The preschool age period is important in the life of a child. During this period, the child has a high level of cognitive activity, has a well-developed ability to remember, has a high level of flexibility and learning. To determine the correct development of the child and his interests, it is necessary to know the leading types of activities in the life of the child in the preschool age period. This article will talk about the leading activities in preschool children, as well as ways of developing speech in them

  • Ўқишлар сони 0
  • Нашр санаси 01-08-2024
  • Мақола тилиIngliz
  • Саҳифалар сони24-26

The preschool age period is important in the life of a child. During this period, the child has a high level of cognitive activity, has a well-developed ability to remember, has a high level of flexibility and learning. To determine the correct development of the child and his interests, it is necessary to know the leading types of activities in the life of the child in the preschool age period. This article will talk about the leading activities in preschool children, as well as ways of developing speech in them


Дошкольный возраст становится важным в жизни ребенка. В этот период у ребенка на высоком уровне сформирована познавательная деятельность, хорошо развита способность кзапоминанию, высокая гибкость и обучаемость. Для правильного развития ребенка и определения его интересов необходимо знать ведущие виды деятельности в жизни ребенка в дошкольный период. В данной статье речь пойдет о ведущих видах деятельности дошкольников, а также о методах развития у них речи

Муаллифнинг исми Лавозими Ташкилот номи
1 Rimbayeva . . student Nukus State Pedagogical Institute
Ҳавола номи
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