The main purpose of the work is to determine and check the levels of undersize of large loads loaded into open traffic. In this article, the analysis of safety conditions in the transportation of goods through undercarriage was carried out. In the study, the possibilities of organization of transportation were considered due to the analysis of the levels of underweight, depending on the geometric dimensions of the transported cargo. In this, the limits of the dimensions of compliance with the gauge levels of largesized cargo are given, and the calculation of safety requirements for types of cargo outside these limits is performed. Also, based on the research of the operation sequence of the modern type of control frame, the possibility of more accurate and quick determination of the safety of the traffic was considered.
The main purpose of the work is to determine and check the levels of undersize of large loads loaded into open traffic. In this article, the analysis of safety conditions in the transportation of goods through undercarriage was carried out. In the study, the possibilities of organization of transportation were considered due to the analysis of the levels of underweight, depending on the geometric dimensions of the transported cargo. In this, the limits of the dimensions of compliance with the gauge levels of largesized cargo are given, and the calculation of safety requirements for types of cargo outside these limits is performed. Also, based on the research of the operation sequence of the modern type of control frame, the possibility of more accurate and quick determination of the safety of the traffic was considered.
№ | Муаллифнинг исми | Лавозими | Ташкилот номи |
1 | Bozorov R.S. | katta o'qituvchi | Toshkent davlat transport universiteti |
2 | Boboyev D.S. | katta o'qituvchi | Toshkent davlat transport universiteti |
3 | Toshtemirov I.M. | doktorant | Toshkent davlat transport universiteti |
№ | Ҳавола номи |
1 | Технические условия размещение и крепление грузов, Ташкент-2015, 712 стр. |
2 | Зиёда Мухамедова, Диёр Бобоев. Исследования по улучшению современной транспортной системы в процессе доставки грузов. Железнодорожный транспорт: актуальные вопросы и инновации, 3(1), 2022/3/28, 15–24 |
3 | Diyor Shomuratovich Boboev, Ramazon Shamilovich Bozorov, Elbek Sirojiddinovich Shermatov. Choose types of transport and improve their cooperation in the process of delivery of cargo. "Экономика и социум" №5(84), 2021, 98-105 |
4 | Z.G. Muhamedova, D.Sh. Boboyev. Yuklarni yetkazib berish jarayonida zamonaviy tashish tizimini takomillashtirishni tadqiq qilish. Железнодорожный транспорт, 1(16), 2022, 16-19 |
5 | Jamol Shihnazarov, Investigation of the longitudinal forces acting during the transportation of flat cargo on sites in the road profiles with a slope of railway transport Diyor Boboev and Elbek Shermatov, AIP Conference Proceedings 2432, 030112 (2022); |
6 | J. A. Shihnazarov, Comparison of technical and economicperformance of wire and chain tracks used instrengthening loads in open traffic, D. Sh. Boboev, E. S. Shermatov, R. Sh. Bozorov, Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 2612, 060024 (2023); |
7 | Boboev D.Sh., Mukhamedova Z.G. Development of international transportation on the basis of creating a system of contrailer transportation |pedagog // Pedagog. Vol. 5 №4. 2022, 10-23 p |
8 | Muhamedova Z.G., Boboyev D.Sh. Yuklarni yetkazib berish jarayonida zamonaviy tashish tizimini takomillashtirishni tadqiq qilish // Railway transport: topical issues and innovations, №3(1), 2022/3/28, 15–24 |
9 | Muxamedova Z.G., Boboyev D.Sh. Kontreyler tashishni qo‘llash orqali ekologik xavfsiz transport tizimini tashkil etish // «Zamonaviy dunyoda innovatsion tadqiqotlar: Nazariya va amaliyot» / Innovative 8(08) – Toshkent, 2022 |
10 | Бобоев Д.Ш., Мухамедова З.Г., Якупбаев Х.М. Обоснование факторов, влияющих на технологию контрейлерных перевозок // Известия транссиба. 2022- yil, №3(51), Ст. 136-144 |
11 | Boboev D.Sh., Shihnazarov J.A., Dehkonov M.M., Ikramova D.Z. Choice of an efficient mode of transport on the basis of comparison of technical and economic indicators of types of transport. E3S Web of Conferences 389, 05032, 2023-yil, 1-7 pp |