In today’s increasingly polarized world, fostering tolerance - acceptance, respect, and understanding for diverse beliefs and practices - is essential for peaceful coexistence. Islam, with nearly two billion followers globally, offers a rich and complex discourse on tolerance, rooted in its historical and theological foundations. This study explores how two prominent Islamic websites, (Germany) and (Uzbekistan), operating in distinct cultural and national contexts, represent tolerance in their online discourse. Through a qualitative comparative discourse analysis of over 200 articles and opinion pieces published between 2014 and 2024, the study examines the websites' use of terminology, framing, and underlying narratives concerning tolerance towards other religions, internal diversity within Islam, and broader societal challenges. The central aim is to illuminate both similarities and divergences in their representation of tolerance and explore the potential implications for interfaith dialogue, interfaith understanding, and peaceful coexistence in multicultural societies.
In today’s increasingly polarized world, fostering tolerance - acceptance, respect, and understanding for diverse beliefs and practices - is essential for peaceful coexistence. Islam, with nearly two billion followers globally, offers a rich and complex discourse on tolerance, rooted in its historical and theological foundations. This study explores how two prominent Islamic websites, (Germany) and (Uzbekistan), operating in distinct cultural and national contexts, represent tolerance in their online discourse. Through a qualitative comparative discourse analysis of over 200 articles and opinion pieces published between 2014 and 2024, the study examines the websites' use of terminology, framing, and underlying narratives concerning tolerance towards other religions, internal diversity within Islam, and broader societal challenges. The central aim is to illuminate both similarities and divergences in their representation of tolerance and explore the potential implications for interfaith dialogue, interfaith understanding, and peaceful coexistence in multicultural societies.
Bugungi globallashuv jarayonida, bag‘rikenglik, o‘zaro hurmat, bir- birining qadriyatlarini tushunish kabi tushunchalar tinchlikni eng asosiy omiliga aylanib ulgirgan. Islom dini, o‘zining 2 milliondan ortiq e’tiqodchilari orqali dunyoga bag‘rikenglik tushunchasini naqadar muqaddas tushuncha ekanini tushuntirish bilan bir qatorda, boshqalarga ham o‘rnak bo‘la oldi. Ushbu maqolada bag‘rikenglik va o‘zaro hurmat tushunchalari O‘zbekiston hamda Germaniyaning mashhur saytlarida qanday yoritilishi ko‘rib chiqilgan. hamda islamische.zeitung saytarining o‘ziga hos jihatlari tahlil qilinishi bilan bir qatorda, o‘xshashliklar va farqli tarflariga ham e’tibor qaratilgan.
В современном, все более поляризованном мире, терпимость - принятие, уважение и понимание различных верований и практик - является ключом к мирному сосуществованию. Ислам, насчитывающий почти два миллиарда последователей по всему миру, предлагает богатый и сложный дискурс о терпимости, основанный на его исторических и теологических принципах. Данное исследование посвящено тому, как два ведущих исламских веб-сайта, (Германия) и (Узбекистан), действующие в различных культурных и национальных контекстах, представляют толерантность, терпимость в своем онлайн-дискурсе. Основная цель - выявить как сходства, так и различия в их представлении терпимости, а также изучить потенциальные последствия для межконфессионального диалога, межконфессионального понимания и мирного сосуществования в мультикультурных обществах.
№ | Муаллифнинг исми | Лавозими | Ташкилот номи |
1 | ABDURAIMOVA S.. | Doctoral Student | International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan |
№ | Ҳавола номи |
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