• Internet ҳавола
  • DOI
  • UzSCI тизимида яратилган сана 30-11-2019
  • Ўқишлар сони 681
  • Нашр санаси 22-11-2019
  • Мақола тилиRus
  • Саҳифалар сони25-26
Калит сўзлар

In this article the results of crossing BT gеne cotton sample with several uzbek varieties are illustrated. The resistance to Helicoverpa armigera was observed as dominant trait and in Ғ3 the most resistant families were selected combining other agronomic traits.     

Калит сўзлар
Муаллифнинг исми Лавозими Ташкилот номи
1 Shodmonova G.. ассистент ТошДАУ
2 Ibragimov P.S. профессор ПСУЕАИТИ
3 Urozov B.. мл.н.с. ПСУЕАИТИ
Ҳавола номи
1 1. Sharma H.C. and Agarwal R.A (1978). Effect of some antibiotic compounds in gossypium on the post-embryonic development of spotted bollworm (Earias vittella). Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata Volume 31, Numbers 2-3, 225-228..
2 2. Singh S.P., Ballal C.R., Poorani J. Old world bollworm Helicoverpa armigera, associated Heliothinae and their natural enemies. Project Directorate of Biological Control. Bangalore. India. Technol. Bull. 2002. N. 31. 135 p.