Effective decreasing of annual weeds amount (83.9-90.9%,) and unconsiderable destroy of perrenual weeds (19.0-31.7 %) were at the sole applicaton of Samurai. Effective destroying of perrenial weeds (80,0-87,3%) was occurred at the sole application of Zellek super (1 l/ha), but in regard to monocotyledons this herbicide functions weakly (30.0-37.2%). Application of Samurai (1 l/ha) combination is recommended to effectively destroying of monocotyledon and bicotyledon weeds in cotton fields
Zellek super (1,0 l/ha) with Samurai (1,5 l/ha) is recommended against annual and prenial weeds. At the combinated application of above mentioned preparations, the amount of annual weeds decreased for 90.5-91.9%, and amount of perennial weeds for 88.3-92.0%. The productivity of raw cotton in these variants rises by 4.1-6.0 c/ha in the comparison to control variant.
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