Бугунги кунда ёшларнинг маънавий-ахлоқий қиёфасини юксалтиришда Шарқ мутафаккирларининг хизматлари беқиёсдир. Ана шундай буюк мутафаккирлар Алишер Навоий ва Абдураҳмон Жомийлардир. Ушбу икки буюк мутафаккирнинг фалсафий-эстетик қарашлари ўзаро бир-бирига жуда яқин бўлган. Мақолада Алишер Навоий ва Абдураҳмон Жомийларнинг маънавий-эстетик олами, уларнинг шахс маънавиятини ривожлантиришга доир адабий-эстетик қарашлари қиёсий таҳлил қилинган.

  • Internet ҳавола
  • DOI
  • UzSCI тизимида яратилган сана 10-12-2019
  • Ўқишлар сони 980
  • Нашр санаси 18-09-2019
  • Мақола тилиO'zbek
  • Саҳифалар сони26-33

Бугунги кунда ёшларнинг маънавий-ахлоқий қиёфасини юксалтиришда Шарқ мутафаккирларининг хизматлари беқиёсдир. Ана шундай буюк мутафаккирлар Алишер Навоий ва Абдураҳмон Жомийлардир. Ушбу икки буюк мутафаккирнинг фалсафий-эстетик қарашлари ўзаро бир-бирига жуда яқин бўлган. Мақолада Алишер Навоий ва Абдураҳмон Жомийларнинг маънавий-эстетик олами, уларнинг шахс маънавиятини ривожлантиришга доир адабий-эстетик қарашлари қиёсий таҳлил қилинган.


В формировании высокого духовно-нравственного облика молодежи в эпоху глобализации большую ценность представляют творения великих мыслителей Востока, каковыми являются Алишер Навои и Абдурахман Джами. Философские и эстетические взгяды этих двух мыслителей, связанных между собой как “пир и мурид” – наставник и ученик очень близки друг другу. В статье осуществлён сравнительный анализ нравственно-эстетического мира и духовного мировозрения Навои и Джами.


The formation of philosophical aesthetic views in the Middle Ages, the development of religious knowledge and secular sciences, as well as the enhancement of the spiritual and moral views of young people on modern globalization are of great value to the merits of Eastern thinkers. Such great thinkers are Alisher Navoi and Abdurahman Dzhami. The philosophical and aesthetic views of these two great thinkers are very close to each other.

In this article ethics and moral character Alisher Navoi and Abdurakhman Dzhami,  their fictional-ethic outlooks based on man's moral development are analysed comparatively, made several conclusions.

This article analyzes the social and philosophical views of the scholars on a comparative basis and analyzed them. In this regard, Muhammad Haidar Mirzaa in is “History Rashidiy”, mentions Mevlana Abdurrahman Dzhami, as the great of all noblest people of the time of the Sultan Khusain Mirzaa, the light of the Islamic world Shaykh Ul-Islam, Mevlana Abdurrahman Dzhami.

It is evidential tat Khazraat Mer Alisher Navai  lived in one period with Abdurrahman Dzhami, the great poet and the greatest poet of his time, and lived with it proudly. As  has been pointed out in many historical sources, Mevlana Abdurrahman Dzhami and Alisher Navaiwere very close to each other, and we can say that they were teacher and disciples. This teacher and disciple relations continued for the rest of these two figures lives. The overall friendliness and skill of Alisher Navoi and Mevlana Abdurrahman Dzhami, the creative collaboration of these rare people are reflected in many historical and literary sources, as we have said above. Alisher Navoi, a famous researcher and poet who knew the spiritual and aesthetic world of Dzhami.

Alisher Navoi and Abdurrahman Dzhami shared their views on love. In particular, love for Dzhami means not only the love of men and women, but also the love and compassion of all people, as Ibn Sina wrote in a book about “Love”.

Porsa Shamsiev, the famous Navaist, collected and published the “Dzhami and Navai”, collecting parts that dedicated to Abdurrahman Dzhami in all works of Navai. Oriental literature candidate M. Shomukhammedov gave an interesting insight into Jomi’s philosophical aesthetic views in his book “Classics of the Persian Classics”: “On a fun day, he spoke to the navy about cottage cheese. In an interview, the teacher and the student discuss poems (including poems written by Hamsa before them) included in the hamsa. The final argument emphasizes that he wrote his thoughts about the fair state of equality and freedom in his message “Alexander the Great”. Such philosophical views were commonplace for Alisher Navoi and Jomi. Therefore, universal human dreams are a great ideology in their work.

In conclusion, the proximity of Alisher Navai and Abdurrahman Dzhami to philosophical and aesthetic views constitutes the essence of the works that they wrote, even though the well-educated intellectuals, both of whom have had to knowledge, have always been close to discussing philosophical issues, even though there were specific interpretations of these great men`s.

Муаллифнинг исми Лавозими Ташкилот номи
1 Xaydarov R.E. o'qituvchi Andijon davlat universiteti
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