• Internet ҳавола
  • DOI
  • UzSCI тизимида яратилган сана 16-12-2019
  • Ўқишлар сони 393
  • Нашр санаси 03-06-2019
  • Мақола тилиO'zbek
  • Саҳифалар сони39-40
Калит сўзлар

The article presents the results of research on the selection of promising autumn varieties of apple trees, the optimal patterns of placement of seedlings as well as the shaping of tree crowns for the laying of intensive-type gardens. The optimal layouts and density of standing trees were determined, which allows to obtain the highest quality crop per unit area of the plantation.

Калит сўзлар
Муаллифнинг исми Лавозими Ташкилот номи
1 Sharipov S.. доцент ТошДАУ
2 NAMOZOV I.C. ассистент ТошДАУ
Ҳавола номи