The corporate governance models are an element that requires a careful and systemic relationship. Otherwise, companies may face disorganization of production activities and loss of positions in the market in a highly competitive environment. Taking into account all the features of the corporate governance model, companies are able to attract additional investments and riches to a high level of management decisions, achieve high economic indicators. Therefore, the article focuses on the determination of models and find the suitable for local Uzbek companies.

  • Internet ҳавола
  • DOIhttp://dx.doi.org/10.26739/2181-9491-2018-2-3
  • UzSCI тизимида яратилган сана 16-12-2019
  • Ўқишлар сони 0
  • Нашр санаси 10-12-2019
  • Мақола тилиIngliz
  • Саҳифалар сони18-24

The corporate governance models are an element that requires a careful and systemic relationship. Otherwise, companies may face disorganization of production activities and loss of positions in the market in a highly competitive environment. Taking into account all the features of the corporate governance model, companies are able to attract additional investments and riches to a high level of management decisions, achieve high economic indicators. Therefore, the article focuses on the determination of models and find the suitable for local Uzbek companies.


Модели корпоративного управления - это элемент, который требует тщательных и системных отношений. В противном случае компании могут столкнуться с дезорганизацией производственной деятельности и потерей позиций на рынке в условиях высокой конкуренции. Принимая во внимание все особенности модели корпоративного управления, компании могут привлекать дополнительные инвестиции и богатства к высоким управленческим решениям, достигать высоких экономических показателей. Поэтому в статье основное внимание уделяется определению моделей и поиску подходящих для местных узбекских компаний.


Корпоратив бошқарув моделлари бу эҳтиёткоралик ва систематик ёндошувларни ўзига олади. Аксҳолда, компаниялар юқори даражада рақобат муҳитида ишлаб чиқариш муҳитида тартибсизликка ва бозорда ўз мавқеини йўқотиши мумкин. Корпоратив бошқарув моделининг барча хусусиятларини инобатга олган ҳолда,  компаниялар қўшимча инвестицияларини жалб этиши, қарорларни юқори даражада  қабул қилиши ва юқори иқтисодий кўрсаткичларга эришиши мумкин. Шунинг учун ушбу мақолада моделларнинг фарқли жиҳатлари ёритишга ва маҳаллий ўзбек компаниялари учун мос келадиган ҳислатларни ёритишга қаратган.

Муаллифнинг исми Лавозими Ташкилот номи
1 Jurayev R.R.
Ҳавола номи
1 1. Decree President of Republic of Uzbekistan Uzbekistan’s Action Strategy on Five Priority Development Areas 2017-2021, No.4849, as of 17 Feb., 2017,
2 2. Fredmund Malik, The Right Corporate Governance: Effective Top Management for Mastering Complexity, Campus Verlag, 2012, p.136,
3 3. Ibid, p.139.
4 4. Hamid Mehran, Alan Morrison and Joel Shapiro, Corporate Governance and Banks: What Have We Learned from the Financial Crisis?, p.29
5 5. Lauren A. Burnhill , Overview: The US Governance Model,
6 6. Ibid, Lauren.
7 7. Jun Zhao, Comparative study of U.S. and German corporate governance: suggestions on the relationship between independent directors and the supervisory board of listed companies in China, p.45
8 8. Decree 4720 by The President of Republic of Uzbekistan “The measures of the introduction of modern enterprise management in joint-stock companies”.