Мақолада Жиззах чўли ер ресурсларидан самарали фойдаланиш бўйича илмий тадқиқот ишларининг натижалари баён этилган. Суғориладиган тупроқларда олиб борилган илмий изланишлар тупроқ ресурсларидан фойдаланиш йўлларини белгилашга қаратилган бўлиб, мақолада мазкур ҳудуддаги ўтлоқ ва ботқоқ-ўтлоқи тупроқларнинг механик таркиби, шўрланиши, минераллашганлик даражаси ва агрокимёвий хоссалари бўйича маълумотлар келтирилган.
Мақолада Жиззах чўли ер ресурсларидан самарали фойдаланиш бўйича илмий тадқиқот ишларининг натижалари баён этилган. Суғориладиган тупроқларда олиб борилган илмий изланишлар тупроқ ресурсларидан фойдаланиш йўлларини белгилашга қаратилган бўлиб, мақолада мазкур ҳудуддаги ўтлоқ ва ботқоқ-ўтлоқи тупроқларнинг механик таркиби, шўрланиши, минераллашганлик даражаси ва агрокимёвий хоссалари бўйича маълумотлар келтирилган.
В статье представлены результаты научных исследований по эффективному использованию земельных ресурсов Джизакской степи. Исследования проводились на орошаемых почвах и преследовали цель определить плодотворные пути их использования. Представлены сведения о механическом составе болотистых лугов, степени засоленности, минерализации и агрохимических свойствах почв на данных территориях.
Research works are being carried out in the priority areas to identify, prevent or mitigate salinization processes occurring worldwide. These include: increasing the anthropogenic pressure and preventing salinization processes that are affected by global climate change; improvement of ameliorative and ecological condition of soils; Special attention is paid to the implementation of scientific research aimed at protecting the soil from secondary salinization and efficient use of saline soils.
The World Food Organization (FAO) determines the agricultural suitability of land to ensure that it receives potential yields from agricultural crops. Currently, most of the agricultural land used in adaptive farming is 23% higher and 53% is of good quality. The largest regional share of high quality land used in agriculture lies in Central America and the Caribbean (42%), followed by Western and Central Europe (38%) and North America (37%). The average share of high quality land in the developed world is 32% [3. P. 88]. The fertility of soils in developing countries is often low, with only 28% of all arable land being considered as high quality land. Neither fertilizers, high agro-engineering, new varieties and improved techniques or improved machinery can withstand the low productivity of saline soils. The main prerequisite for natural salinization in Uzbekistan is the prevalence of evaporation over atmospheric precipitation in the context of weakening of the area and the proximity of groundwater to the surface.
There are irrigated meadows and damp in Zarbdor district and partly grasslands in Zarbdor district. Currently, the main method for assessing the modern trends in salt accumulation in soil is mapping of saline soils, which is a source of rapid and long-term data on salinity and salinity levels.
Humus layer is 60-70 cm In the soils, humus content is up to 1,5% and its volume gradually decreases depending on the lower layers. Carbonates and salts are found mainly in the middle and lower layers. The glucose process is poorly developed in the middle of the soil and there is an increase in the lower layer. Carbonates and salts are found mainly in the middle and lower layers. Irrigated meadows and wetlands are mainly formed by irrigation as a result of approximation of the middle and surface horizons of groundwater levels, with the average level of mineralization is 3-10 g/l. Chemical composition of ground water is most suitable for salinity, chloride-sulphate salinity type [9. P. 115]. Common salts in the grassy and boggy-grassy soils are weak, moderate and severe saline soils with a high degree of salinity and type. As the areas where irrigated grassland soils are exposed to salinization, reclamation measures should be applied to increase their productivity and crop yields. Replacement of hydromorphic water regime with semi-hydromorphic water regime is the best reclamation measure. At the same time, all measures aimed at maintaining the groundwater level below the critical level (2.5-3.0 m) will allow maintaining saline soils in a favorable reclamation condition.
№ | Муаллифнинг исми | Лавозими | Ташкилот номи |
1 | Xolboyev B.E. | katta o'qituvchi | Guliston Davlat Universiteti |
2 | Namozov X.Q. | professor | Toshkent davlat agrar universiteti |
№ | Ҳавола номи |
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