Water is a great treasure. Therefore, the water management organization of the Republic of Uzbekistan should not only use old materials in the application, but also take into account the mechanical composition of soil and depth of groundwater. It is not advisable to irrigate large amounts of soils during these days, when water is scarce and is an important ecological factor. It does not produce good results during the shortage of water. As a result, the reclamation of lands is deteriorating.
№ | Муаллифнинг исми | Лавозими | Ташкилот номи |
1 | Salimov S.. | магистрант | ТИҚХММИ |
2 | Haydarov R.. | “Suvsanoatmash” АЖ | |
3 | Berdiyev S.. | доцент | ҚарМИИ |
№ | Ҳавола номи |
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3 | 3. Бердиев Ш., Камбаров Б. Рекомендации по технике и технологии полива на просадочных грунтах 2-й очереди освоения Каршинской степи. –Карши, 1989. |