This article indicates and suggests the possibility of effective usage of
mistakes untraditionally that could activate students participation in lessons and could
help teachers to define studens’ true knowledge and could give solid observation about
lesson results to the English language teachers. There is also told about teacher’s good
performance in making mistakes intentionally, after that, achieved success by the teacher
during class time.
This article indicates and suggests the possibility of effective usage of
mistakes untraditionally that could activate students participation in lessons and could
help teachers to define studens’ true knowledge and could give solid observation about
lesson results to the English language teachers. There is also told about teacher’s good
performance in making mistakes intentionally, after that, achieved success by the teacher
during class time.
Ushbu maqola dars jarayonida talabalarni darsda ishtirokini
aktivlashtira olgan va ularning bilimlarini aniqlashda yordam bera olgan, dars natijasi
haqida yahshi kuzatuv bera olgan o’qituvchi tomonidan rejali, noananaviy tarzda
amalga oshirilgan xatolarni samarali usulda qo’llanishi mumkinligiga ishora beradi va
uni taklif qiladi. Bunda yana o’qituvchi rejali holda hatoni amalga oshirishi shundan
so’ng talabalar ichida aktiv jarayonni qo’lga kiritilgani hikoya qilinadi.
В этой статье указывается и предлагается возможность
эффективного использования ошибок, которые могут быть активированы
учащимися в уроках, и могут помочь учителям определить истинные знания
учеников и могут дать полное представление о результатах урока
преподавателям английского языка. Также рассказывается о хорошей
успеваемости учителя, чтобы делать ошибки намеренно, после этого добился
успеха учителем во время занятий.
№ | Муаллифнинг исми | Лавозими | Ташкилот номи |
1 | Mirzaholova N.K. | Namdu | |
2 | Goibboyeva R.A. | Namdu |
№ | Ҳавола номи |
1 | The role of mistakes in language learning” By Tomasz P. Szynalski |
2 | the Mistakes are inevitable group’ By Tomasz P. Szynalski |
3 | How To Hesitate Like A Native English Speaker” by Robby Kukurs |
4 | Richelle E. Goodrich, Smile Anyway |
5 | Cambridge advanced learners dictionary 3rd edition ( dictionary program) |
6 | Uzbek/English dictionary, the central Asian heritage group, 2005 |