The article contains materials for analysis of literature
data on the spreading of malware and biological, especially the
development of a cherry fly, as well as the results of studies in
Tashkent region to study the method of determination and the
development of effective measures to combat it.
В статье приведено материалы анализу лите-
ратурных данных по раскросбранение вредоносноти, биологи-
ческой, особенности развитие вишневая муха а также резуль-
таты исследований Ташкеннтской области по изучению мето-
ди определения и разработка эффктивных меры борьбы с ним.
The article contains materials for analysis of literature
data on the spreading of malware and biological, especially the
development of a cherry fly, as well as the results of studies in
Tashkent region to study the method of determination and the
development of effective measures to combat it.
№ | Муаллифнинг исми | Лавозими | Ташкилот номи |
1 | ANORBAYEV A.R. | ТошДАУ | |
2 | Xoldarov K.. | ТошДАУ |
№ | Ҳавола номи |
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