The article discusses the results of a study of the laws of ion-exchange wastewater
treatment of oil refineries with new ion exchangers. The ion-exchange resins (ion exchangers)
developed on the basis of quaternary phosphonium salts are presented - solid hygroscopic gels,
insoluble in water and ordinary solvents. The mechanism and patterns of ion-exchange treatment
of industrial wastewater from the oil refining industry, with new ion exchangers developed on
the basis of quaternary phosphonium salts (MCFS) with divinylbenzene (DVB) and methyl
methacrylate (MMA), are studied.It has been established that for the treatment of wastewater
after oil refining, freshly prepared ion-exchange resin should be used, since even slight coacidification with air reduces its ion-exchange ability. It was determined that an increase in
NAOH consumption practically does not change the exchange capacity of the ion exchanger. It
is shown that the ion exchange process is the diffusion of dissolved electrolyte ions to the surface
of sorbent grains. The possibilities of chemical modification of copolymers and ion exchangers
based on them, used for ion-exchange wastewater treatment of oil refining and chemical
industries, are determined. It has been noted that when treating industrial wastewater from oil
refining enterprises with developed ion-exchange resins, the efficiency of metal ion extraction is
significantly increased. Specific areas of application of modified polymer ion exchangers are
Maqolada neftni qayta ishlash zavodlarini yangi ion almashinuvchilar bilan ion
almashinadigan oqava suvlarni tozalash qonunlarini o'rganish natijalari muhokama
qilindi.Irtlik fosfonium tuzlari asosida ishlab chiqarilgan ion almashinuvchi qatronlar (ion
almashinuvchilar) suvda va oddiy erituvchilarda erimaydigan qattiq gigroskopik gellardir. ,
Chemistry and chemical technology
to'rtlamchi fosfonium tuzlari (MCHFS) asosida divinilben bilan yangi ion almashinuvchilar bo'l
(DVB) va metil metakrilat (MMA).
Yangi tayyorlangan ionitni neftni qayta ishlashdan keyin oqava suvlarni tozalash uchun
ishlatish kerakligi aniqlandi, chunki havo bilan ozgina kislotalash uning ion almashtirish
qobiliyatini pasaytiradi. NAOH iste'molining ko'payishi ion almashtirgichning almashinuv
qobiliyatini deyarli o'zgartirmasligi aniqlandi. Ion almashinuvi jarayoni eritilgan elektrolit
ionlarining sorbent donalari yuzasiga tarqalishi ekanligi ko'rsatilgan.
Neftni qayta ishlash va kimyo sanoatida ion almashinadigan oqava suvlarni tozalash
uchun ishlatiladigan kopolimerlar va ular asosida yaratilgan ion almashinuvchilarni kimyoviy
modifikatsiyalash imkoniyatlari aniqlandi.
Ta'kidlanishicha, ishlab chiqarilgan ion almashinadigan qatronlar bilan neftni qayta
ishlash korxonalarining sanoat oqava suvlarini tozalashda metall ionlarini olish samaradorligi
sezilarli darajada oshadi.O'zgartirilgan polimer ion almashtirgichlarini qo'llashning o'ziga xos
sohalari keltirilgan.
The article discusses the results of a study of the laws of ion-exchange wastewater
treatment of oil refineries with new ion exchangers. The ion-exchange resins (ion exchangers)
developed on the basis of quaternary phosphonium salts are presented - solid hygroscopic gels,
insoluble in water and ordinary solvents. The mechanism and patterns of ion-exchange treatment
of industrial wastewater from the oil refining industry, with new ion exchangers developed on
the basis of quaternary phosphonium salts (MCFS) with divinylbenzene (DVB) and methyl
methacrylate (MMA), are studied.It has been established that for the treatment of wastewater
after oil refining, freshly prepared ion-exchange resin should be used, since even slight coacidification with air reduces its ion-exchange ability. It was determined that an increase in
NAOH consumption practically does not change the exchange capacity of the ion exchanger. It
is shown that the ion exchange process is the diffusion of dissolved electrolyte ions to the surface
of sorbent grains. The possibilities of chemical modification of copolymers and ion exchangers
based on them, used for ion-exchange wastewater treatment of oil refining and chemical
industries, are determined. It has been noted that when treating industrial wastewater from oil
refining enterprises with developed ion-exchange resins, the efficiency of metal ion extraction is
significantly increased. Specific areas of application of modified polymer ion exchangers are
В статье рассматриваются результаты исследования закономерностей
ионообменной очистки сточных вод нефтеперерабатывающих предприятий новыми
ионитами.Представлены разработанные на основе четвертичных фосфониевых солей
ионообменные смолы (иониты) - твердые гигроскопичные гели, не растворимые в воде и
обычных растворителях.Изучен механизм и закономерности ионообменной очистки
промышленных сточных вод нефтеперерабативающей промышленности новыми
ионитами, разработанными на основе четвиертичных фосфониевых солей (МЧФС) с
дивинилбензолом (ДВБ) и метилметакрилатом (ММА).
Установлено, что для очистки сточных вод после нефтепереработки следует
использовать свежеприготовленный ионит , так как даже незначительное
соприкосновение с воздухом снижает его ионообменную способность.Определено, что
увеличение расхода NаOH практически не изменяет обменной емкости ионита.
Показано, что процесс ионного обмена – это диффузия ионов растворенного
электролита к поверхности зерен сорбента.
Определены возможности химической модификации сополимеров и ионитов на их
Chemistry and chemical technology
основе, применяемых для ионообменной очистки сточных вод нефтеперерабатывающей
и химической промышленности. Отмечено , что при очистке промышленных сточных
вод нефтеперерабатывающих педприятий разработанными ионообмеными смолами
эффективность извлечения ионов металлов значительно повышается. Приведены
конкретные области применения модифицированных полимерных ионитов.
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1 | Ayupova M.B. | kat o'qituvchi | TDTU |
№ | Ҳавола номи |
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