The article discusses the creation of a new adsorbent for wastewater treatment of leather
enterprises. It is shown on the example of leather enterprises that solving the problem of
economical use of water, reducing the amount of wastewater, reducing their pollution is
currently one of the most important in Uzbekistan. In the total volume of water consumed at
present, the proportion of water consumed repeatedly for leather dressing is practically zero. In
the manufacture of leather, more than 150 names of various chemicals of both organic and
inorganic origin are used.For clay minerals, as well as for zeolites, along with ion exchange,
physical and molecular sorption are characteristic.Sorbability, as well as hydrophilicity,
depends on the structure of the compounds included in its composition of functional groups.
It was established experimentally that native clay is capable of absorbing up to 84% of
copper (II) ions, and the possibility of modifying bentonite clay can increase the efficiency of
wastewater treatment from 83-86 to 90-95%. A linearized sorption isotherm is presented. The
parameters of the adsorption layers of surfactants during adsorption on various clays are given.
It was found that an increase in the sorption capacity during the processing of natural clays by
microwave radiation is associated with the partial destruction of aquacomplexes that
communicate between the packets, which contributes to a better penetration of the sorbed
substances to the centers of concentration of negative charges.
Maqolada terini qayta ishlash korhonasining oqova suvlarini tozalashda ishlatiluvchi yangi
adsorbent yaratish masalasi ko'rib chiqilgan. hozirgi vaqtda terini qayta ishlash korhonasi
misolida suvni tejab ishlatib, oqova suvni chiqishini va uning ifloslanishini kamaytirish ayni
vaqtda O'zbekistonda muhim masalalardan biri ekanligi ta'kidlangan. Umumiy hajmda terini
qayta ishlashdagi sarflanadigan suvning foizi hozirgi vaktda amalda nolga teng. Teri ishlab
chiqishda turli organik va noorganik moddalarning 150 dan ortiq hillari ishlatiladi. Loyli
minerallar va seolitlar uchun ion almashinish bilan bir qatorda fizikaviy va molekulyar sorbciya
harakterlidir. Sorbciyalash va gidrofillash birikmalarni tarkibiga kirgan funkcional
gruppalarning tuzilishiga bog’liqdir.
Loyqa ishqoriy suv o'ziga 84% gacha misning (II) valentli ionlarini yutishi aniqlangan va
bentonig loyini modifikaciya qilish imkoniyati natijasida oqova suvlarni tozalanish
samaradorligi 83-86 dan 90-95% gacha oshishi tajribada tasdiqlangan. Sorbciyalanishning
chiziqli ko'rinishi va turli tuproqlarda adsorbciyalanishlardagi sirt faol moddalarning
adsorbcion qavatlari parametrlari keltirilgan. Tabiiy loylarni SVCH-nurlantirish bilan ishlov
berishda ularning sorbcion hajmining oshishi qavatlararo bog’lanishlarni hosil qiluvchi akvakompleksning buzilishi bilan qisman bog’liq ekanligi va natijada sorbciyalanayotgan
moddaning g’ovaklarga yahshiroq singishiga olib kelishi aniqlangan.
The article discusses the creation of a new adsorbent for wastewater treatment of leather
enterprises. It is shown on the example of leather enterprises that solving the problem of
economical use of water, reducing the amount of wastewater, reducing their pollution is
currently one of the most important in Uzbekistan. In the total volume of water consumed at
present, the proportion of water consumed repeatedly for leather dressing is practically zero. In
the manufacture of leather, more than 150 names of various chemicals of both organic and
inorganic origin are used.For clay minerals, as well as for zeolites, along with ion exchange,
physical and molecular sorption are characteristic.Sorbability, as well as hydrophilicity,
depends on the structure of the compounds included in its composition of functional groups.
It was established experimentally that native clay is capable of absorbing up to 84% of
copper (II) ions, and the possibility of modifying bentonite clay can increase the efficiency of
wastewater treatment from 83-86 to 90-95%. A linearized sorption isotherm is presented. The
parameters of the adsorption layers of surfactants during adsorption on various clays are given.
It was found that an increase in the sorption capacity during the processing of natural clays by
microwave radiation is associated with the partial destruction of aquacomplexes that
communicate between the packets, which contributes to a better penetration of the sorbed
substances to the centers of concentration of negative charges.
В статье рассматривается создание нового адсорбента для очистки сточных вод
кожевенных предприятий. На примере кожевенных предприятий показано, что решение
проблемы экономного использования воды, снижение количества сточных вод,
уменьшения их загрязнения является в настоящее время одной из важнейших в
Узбекистане. В общем объеме потребляемой воды в настоящее время доля воды,
потребляемой повторно для выделки кож, практически равна нулю. При производстве
кожи используется более 150 наименований различных химических веществ как
органического, так и неорганического происхождения. Для глинистых минералов, так
же, как и для цеолитов, наряду с ионным обменом характерны физическая и
молекулярная сорбция. Сорбируемость, как и гидрофильность, зависит от строения
соединений, входящих в его состав функциональных групп.
Экспериментально установлено, что нативная глина способна поглощать до 84% ионов
меди (II), а возможность модификации бентонитовой глины способна повысить
эффективность очистки сточных вод от 83-86 до 90-95%. Представлен
линеаризованный вид изотермы сорбции, а также параметры адсорбционных слоев ПАВ
при адсорбции на различных глинах. Определено, что увеличение сорбционной емкости
при обработке природных глин СВЧ – излучением связано с частичным разрушением
аква-комплексов, осуществляющих связь между пакетами, что способствует лучшему
проникновению сорбируемых веществ к центрам сосредоточения отрицательных
№ | Муаллифнинг исми | Лавозими | Ташкилот номи |
1 | Usmanova G.A. | kat o'qituvchi | TDTU |
№ | Ҳавола номи |
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