The article discusses the experience of using the methodology the hydroecological
monitoring technique to obtain the results of the analysis of the ecological conditions of
hydraulic structures in Uzbekistan.
- The examples of the methodology for creating digital maps for information support, for the
study of the technical parameters of hydropower and irrigation facilities at the level of the
Amudarya and Syrdarya river basins;
- Improved trash-holding devices necessary to protect the pumps of hydraulic structures from
getting litter and floating objects into them (plastic requires special attention) that can interfere
with the normal operation of the units, eliminated during preliminary water treatment;
- The results of hydroecological monitoring using geographic information systems, digital maps
are shown, which allow for the design, repair and repair of hydraulic structures to take into
account terrain, hydrography and other factors.
The obtained methodology allows a more realistic assessment of the hydroecological
situation, taking into account their influence on hydraulic structures. The methodology of
hydroecological monitoring will provide people with information in search of actions to develop
Civil and environmental engineering
environmentally acceptable modes of operation of hydraulic structures in Uzbekistan. Water
management organizations can use this system to plan work and predict the environmental
situation at all water objects in the Aral Sea basin. This system can be considered as a scientific
tool for a decision support system for decision makers.
Key words: geoinformation technologies and ecology, hydraulic structures, waste disposal
devices, pumps, hydroecological and hydraulic monitoring.
Maqolada O'zbekiston gidravlik tuzilmalarining ekologik jihatlarini tahlil qilish uchun
gidro-ekologik monitoring metodologiyasidan foydalanish tajribasi bayon etilgan.
- Amudaryo va Sirdaryo havzalari darajasida gidroenergetika va sug’orish inshootlarining
tehnik parametrlarini o'rganish uchun ahborot bilan ta'minlash uchun raqamli haritalarni
yaratish metodologiyasining namunalari;
- Gidrotehnik inshootlarning nasoslarini ahlat va suzuvchi buyumlarning ichiga kirishidan
(plastik alohida e'tibor talab qiladi) himoya qilish uchun zarur bo'lgan takomillashtirilgan ahlat
tashuvchi qurilmalar, suvni dastlabki tozalash jarayonida yo'q qilingan, jihozlarning normal
ishlashiga xalaqit beradigan;
- Gidro- ekologik monitoring uchun geografik ahborot tizimlari, raqamli xaritalar qo'llanilib,
ular gidrotehnik inshoatlarni loyihalash va tamirlash uchun topografiya, gidrografiya va boshqa
omillarni hisobga oladi.
Ushbu metodologiyaning natijalari gidroekologik vaziyatni ularning gidrotehnik inshootlarga
ta'sirini hisobga olgan holda yanada aniqroq baholashga imkon beradi. Gidroekologik
monitoring metodologiyasi odamlarga O'zbekistonda gidrotehnik inshootlarni ishlashning
ekologik maqbul usullarini ishlab chiqish bo'yicha harakatlarni qidirishda ma'lumot beradi. Suv
ho'jaligi tashkilotlari ushbu tizimdan Orol dengizi havzasidagi barcha suv havzalarida ish
rejasini tuzish va ekologik vaziyatni aniqlash uchun foydalanishi mumkin. Ushbu tizim qaror
qabul qiluvchilar uchun qarorlarni qo'llab-quvvatlash tizimining ilmiy vositasi sifatida ko'rib
chiqilishi mumkin.
The article discusses the experience of using the methodology the hydroecological
monitoring technique to obtain the results of the analysis of the ecological conditions of
hydraulic structures in Uzbekistan.
- The examples of the methodology for creating digital maps for information support, for the
study of the technical parameters of hydropower and irrigation facilities at the level of the
Amudarya and Syrdarya river basins;
- Improved trash-holding devices necessary to protect the pumps of hydraulic structures from
getting litter and floating objects into them (plastic requires special attention) that can interfere
with the normal operation of the units, eliminated during preliminary water treatment;
- The results of hydroecological monitoring using geographic information systems, digital maps
are shown, which allow for the design, repair and repair of hydraulic structures to take into
account terrain, hydrography and other factors.
The obtained methodology allows a more realistic assessment of the hydroecological
situation, taking into account their influence on hydraulic structures. The methodology of
hydroecological monitoring will provide people with information in search of actions to develop
Civil and environmental engineering
environmentally acceptable modes of operation of hydraulic structures in Uzbekistan. Water
management organizations can use this system to plan work and predict the environmental
situation at all water objects in the Aral Sea basin. This system can be considered as a scientific
tool for a decision support system for decision makers.
Key words: geoinformation technologies and ecology, hydraulic structures, waste disposal
devices, pumps, hydroecological and hydraulic monitoring.
В статье рассматривается опыт использования методики проведения
гидроэкологического мониторинга для получения результатов анализа экологических
состояний гидротехнических сооружений Узбекистана.
- Приведены примеры методики по созданию цифровых карт для информационной
поддержки, для исследования технических параметров гидроэнергетических и
ирригационных сооружений на уровне бассейна рек Амударья и Сырдарья;
- Приведены усовершенствованные сороудерживающие устройства, необходимые для
предохранения насосов гидротехнических сооружений от попадания в них сора и
плавающих предметов(особого внимания требует пластик), способных нарушить
нормальную эксплуатацию агрегатов, устраняемых при предварительной очистке воды;
- Показаны результаты гидроэкологического мониторинга с использованием
геоинформационных систем, цифровых карт, позволяющие при проектировании и
ремонте гидротехнических сооружений учесть рельеф, гидрографию и другие факторы.
Полученная методика позволяют более реально оценить гидроэкологическую ситуацию
с учетом их влияния на гидротехнические сооружения. Методика гидроэкологического
мониторинга будет предоставлять людям информацию в поисках действий по
разработке экологически приемлемых режимов эксплуатации гидротехнических
сооружений Узбекистана. Водохозяйственные организации могут использовать эту
систему для планирования работ и прогнозирования экологической ситуации на всех
водных объектах в бассейне Аральского моря. Эта система может рассматриваться
как научный инструмент для системы поддержки принятия решений ответственными
для этого направления экономики лицами.
№ | Муаллифнинг исми | Лавозими | Ташкилот номи |
1 | Di D.E. | student | TDTU |
2 | Nasrulin A.B. | dotsent | TDTU |
№ | Ҳавола номи |
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