The article presents the results of the analysis of long-term regime observations of
change in the concentrations of groundwater of Uzbekistan and adjacent territories. Based on
these observations, the main factors affecting the changes of the quantitative content of helium.
The results of the evaluation of the characteristics of the changes and distribution of helium in
groundwater. The change of helium concentration in groundwater significantly influence the
deformation and hydro-geodynamic and tectonic conditions. Described and quantified four
factors with different concentrations of helium. They allow to correctly assess the variation of
helium associated with seismic events.
Maqolada O'zbekiston va unga qo'shni hududlarda geliy koncentraciyasining
o'zgarishini uzoq muddatli rejim kuzatuvlari tahlili natijalari keltirilgan. Ushbu kuzatuvlar
asosida geliy miqdorining o'zgarishiga ta'sir ko'rsatadigan asosiy omillar aniqlandi. O'zgarish
hususiyatlarini va geliyning er osti suvlarida tarqalish hususiyatini baholash natijalari
keltirilgan. Gidrogeodinamik va deformaciya-tektonik sharoitlar er osti suvlarida geliy
koncentraciyasining o'zgarishiga sezilarli ta'sir ko'rsatadi. Geliy kontsentraciyasining turli
qiymatlariga ega bo'lgan to'rtta omil miqdoriy jihatdan tavsiflangan. Bu bizga seysmik
hodisalar bilan bog’liq geliy miqdorining o'zgarishini to'g’ri baholashga imkon beradi.
The article presents the results of the analysis of long-term regime observations of
change in the concentrations of groundwater of Uzbekistan and adjacent territories. Based on
these observations, the main factors affecting the changes of the quantitative content of helium.
The results of the evaluation of the characteristics of the changes and distribution of helium in
groundwater. The change of helium concentration in groundwater significantly influence the
deformation and hydro-geodynamic and tectonic conditions. Described and quantified four
factors with different concentrations of helium. They allow to correctly assess the variation of
helium associated with seismic events.
В статье представлены результаты анализа многолетних режимных наблюдений
за изменением концентрации гелия подземных вод Узбекистана и прилегающих
территорий. На основании этих наблюдений выделены основные факторы, влияющие на
изменение количественного содержания гелия. Приводятся результаты по оценке
особенностей изменения и характера распространения гелия в подземных водах. На
изменение концентрации гелия в подземных водах существенное влияние оказывают
гидрогеодинамические и деформационно-тектонические условия. Описаны и
количественно оценены четыре фактора с различными значениями концентрации гелия.
Они позволят правильно оценить вариации гелия, связанные с сейсмическими событиями.
№ | Муаллифнинг исми | Лавозими | Ташкилот номи |
1 | Zakirov M.M. | dotsent | TDTU |
2 | Agzamova I.A. | dotsent | TDTU |
3 | Mavlyanova N.. | o'qituvchi | Chairperson of the State Examination Commission in Geology faculty of Lomonosov Moscow |
№ | Ҳавола номи |
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