Currently, a person's need for drinking water has increased dramatically. Many scientists in Europe have developed devices that lead to the use of water to address this problem. These devices lead to the consumption of large amounts of electricity, it is necessary to solve this problem to produce electricity to use these devices. This research device is used to produce distilled water from solar desalination plants. These units have been used for experimental research. The article contains the following the research work of scientists from European countries, as well as their shortcomings. The offered installation has possibility to provide the distilled water to the population, car garages and other objects, leads to shortage of drinking water, and also saves the electric power.
Hozirgi kunda insonlarning ichimlik suviga bo‘lgan ehtiyojlari keskin ortib bormoqda. Bunday muammoni yechish uchun Еvropa olimlari har qanday ifloslangan suvni ichishga yaroqli holatga keltirish uchun qurilmalar ishlab chiqishgan. Bu qurilmalar ko‘plab elektr energiyasini iste’mol qilishi bilan bog‘liq bo‘lib, bunday qurilmalarni ishlatish uchun elektr eneriyasi bilan ta'minlash muammosini ham hal etishni taqozo etadi.
Tadqiq qilinayotgan qurilma distillangan toza ichimlik suvi olish uchun quyosh suv tozalagichlaridan foydalanilganligi va tajriba tadqiqotlari o‘tkazilganligini ta’kidlaydi.
Maqolada Еvropa olimlarining tajribalaridan namunalar keltirilgan bo‘lib, ularning bir qator kamchiliklari ham ko‘rsatib o‘tilgan.
Taklif etilayotgan qurilma aholini, avtogarajlarni va boshqa ichimlik suvi tanqis bo‘lgan ob’ektlarni distillangan toza ichimlik suvi bilan ta,minlash imkoniyatini yaratib, elektr energiyasi sarfini ham tejaydi.
Currently, a person's need for drinking water has increased dramatically. Many scientists in Europe have developed devices that lead to the use of water to address this problem. These devices lead to the consumption of large amounts of electricity, it is necessary to solve this problem to produce electricity to use these devices. This research device is used to produce distilled water from solar desalination plants. These units have been used for experimental research. The article contains the following the research work of scientists from European countries, as well as their shortcomings. The offered installation has possibility to provide the distilled water to the population, car garages and other objects, leads to shortage of drinking water, and also saves the electric power.
На сегодняшний день резко обострилась проблема в нехватке питьевой воды. Многие ученые Европы для решения этой, проблемы разработали устройства, позволяющие приводить к пригодности, имеющиеся в регионе воды. Это связано с потреблением большого количества электроэнергии. Поэтаму для использования этих установок надо решить проблему производства необходимого каличества электроэнергии.
Данное исследовательское устройство используется для получения дистиллированной воды на основе солнечных опреснительных установок. На этих установках проводили экспериментальные исследовательские работы.
Приведены результаты исследовательских работ учёных из европейских стран, а также отмечены их недостатки.
Предлагаемая установка имеет возможность обеспечить население дистиллированной водой, кроме того, обеспечивает автогаражи и другие объекты, а также экономит электроэнергию.
№ | Имя автора | Должность | Наименование организации |
1 | Akhunov Q.X. | доцент | Ferghana Polytechnic Institute |
2 | Khomidov A.Q. | Ba3kalavr | Ferghana Polytechnic Institute |
№ | Название ссылки |
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