This article provides a methodology for determining the time of mining and productivity of an excavator when developing an inclined exit ledge of coal mines. The working time of the exit ledge was calculated and the average operational productivity of the excavator in the Angren coal mine was determined. The technological scheme of working out benches by longitudinal runs of a mobile excavator-crushing complex with a lateral location of the downhole conveyor and the presence of a mobile interstage loading crane with sequential mining operations at two horizons is considered. According to this technological scheme, a methodology for determining the full working cycle of a complex is recommended. When calculating the operational productivity and operating time of the complex according to this technological scheme, all downtimes of the excavator are taken into account. At different bottom heights, the fill factor of the excavator bucket is determined taking into account the digging force of the excavator and the specific resistance to digging the rock. A mathematical model has been developed to determine the area of ​​the excavator digging segment. 

For a more accurate calculation of the bottom, a mathematical model is used to determine the area of ​​the excavator's digging segment with the establishment of chip thickness. The desired area is determined using the double integral. The dependence of the filling factor of the bucket of the excavator on the height of the face at various chip thicknesses is established.

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  • DOI
  • Дата создание в систему UzSCI 20-10-2020
  • Количество прочтений 450
  • Дата публикации 20-06-2020
  • Язык статьиIngliz
  • Страницы72-80

This article provides a methodology for determining the time of mining and productivity of an excavator when developing an inclined exit ledge of coal mines. The working time of the exit ledge was calculated and the average operational productivity of the excavator in the Angren coal mine was determined. The technological scheme of working out benches by longitudinal runs of a mobile excavator-crushing complex with a lateral location of the downhole conveyor and the presence of a mobile interstage loading crane with sequential mining operations at two horizons is considered. According to this technological scheme, a methodology for determining the full working cycle of a complex is recommended. When calculating the operational productivity and operating time of the complex according to this technological scheme, all downtimes of the excavator are taken into account. At different bottom heights, the fill factor of the excavator bucket is determined taking into account the digging force of the excavator and the specific resistance to digging the rock. A mathematical model has been developed to determine the area of ​​the excavator digging segment. 

For a more accurate calculation of the bottom, a mathematical model is used to determine the area of ​​the excavator's digging segment with the establishment of chip thickness. The desired area is determined using the double integral. The dependence of the filling factor of the bucket of the excavator on the height of the face at various chip thicknesses is established.

Имя автора Должность Наименование организации
1 Annakulov T.J. dotsent TDTU
2 Shamsiev R.N. dotsent TDTU
Название ссылки
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