The article presents cognitive approach to the comprehension of the system of
English terms related to travel industry. Considered is type and structure of the terminological
concept tourism which appears to reflect the structure of the whole industry. The data of the concept
structure are indicated in the chart which reveals the systemic ties of the related terms included in
the concept tourism. Offered are tasks to be completed at the lessons aimed at assimilating
professional terms of tourism and reflected the conceptual link between them.
The article presents cognitive approach to the comprehension of the system of
English terms related to travel industry. Considered is type and structure of the terminological
concept tourism which appears to reflect the structure of the whole industry. The data of the concept
structure are indicated in the chart which reveals the systemic ties of the related terms included in
the concept tourism. Offered are tasks to be completed at the lessons aimed at assimilating
professional terms of tourism and reflected the conceptual link between them.
В статье представлен когнитивный подход к рассмотрению
системности англоязычной терминологии сферы туризма на примере концепта tourism
«туризм». На основе данных когнитивной лингвистики определен концепт, указаны
языковые средства выражения и типы концептов. Подчеркнуты особенности
терминологического концепта, и определен тип концепта tourism «туризм». Описана
примерная структура исследуемого концепта, включающая в себя более частные
терминологические понятия, отражены понятийные связи между ними.
Мақолада туристик саноатига асосланган tourism «туризм» терми-
нологиясининг когнитив ёндашуви келтирилган. Когнитив тилшунослик маълумотларига
асосланиб, концепт турли тил воситалари ва тушунчаларни ифода қилинди. Атамашу-
нослик концептнинг хусусиятлари аниқланиб ва туризм концепти белгиланди. Концепт-
нинг тахминий таркиби тавсифланди ва улар орасида концептуал алоқалар акс
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