In this article highlights the role of innovative methods in teaching foreign
language, especially such methods as working with a group, a project, the use of multimedia
technology, Internet resourcesand songs.
In this article highlights the role of innovative methods in teaching foreign
language, especially such methods as working with a group, a project, the use of multimedia
technology, Internet resourcesand songs.
в статье освещается роль инновационных методик в обучении
иноязычной науке, особенно таких методик, как работа с группой, проект, использование
информационных технологий, Интернет-ресурсов и песня.
Ushbu maqolada chet tili fanini o'qitishda innovatsion metodlarning o'rni,
xususan guruh bilan ishlash, loyiha, multimedia texnologiyalari,Internet resurslari va
qo’shiqlardan foydalanish kabi masalalar yoritib berilgan.
№ | Имя автора | Должность | Наименование организации |
1 | Tursunova .T. |
№ | Название ссылки |
1 | Kitaygorodskaya G.A. Metodika intensivnogo obucheniya inostrannim yazikam/G.A. Kitaygorodskaya. - M.: Visshaya shkola, 1991.-C.47. |
2 | Konysheva A.V. Game method in learning a foreign language. - SPb .: Minsk: Four Quarters Publishing, 2006. –P. 192. |
3 | Fateeva I.A. Method of projects as a priority innovative technology in education // Young Scientist. - 2013. - № 1. - P.377. |
4 | Zaxarova I. G. Informatsionnie texnologii v obrazovanii. - M.: Izd. sentr «Akademiya», 2007. –C. |