The lithological-facies factor is considered with the aim of studying the natural and geological conditions in which hydrogen sulfide waters are formed in gas and oil fields in the artesian basins of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The distribution of hydrogen sulfide waters is closely related to the areas of joint development of halogen rocks and oil and gas complexes. Since the term “paragenesis” refers to the joint finding of minerals or chemical elements genetically related, this map is a map of the paragenesis of hydrogen sulfide waters with evaporites and oil and gas complexes. In the absence of one of the necessary conditions (sulfates or petroleum organics), hydrogen sulfide waters of high concentration are not formed. Hydrogen sulfide waters in the identified anticlinal structures are formed due to the presence of insignificant gas and oil deposits, which are not of industrial importance.
№ | Имя автора | Должность | Наименование организации |
1 | Juraev M.R. | PhD | Institute of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, Tashkent Assistant professor |
2 | Bimurzaev G.A. | Direktor | Institute of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, |
3 | Razykov B.X. | Доцент | 2Department of Tourism, Service and Ecology, Faculty of Management and |
4 | Khaidarov B.X. | доцент | 3Tashkent State Technical University named |
№ | Название ссылки |
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