Ushbu maqolada ingliz detektiv navis yozuvchisi Jeyms Hedli Cheyzning
“Seyfdagi pullar” (Come easy go easy) asari hamda uning tarjimasidan foydalanib, tarjimada
diskurs taqdimoti yordamida ijodkorning uslubi hamda muttarjimning uslubi tahlil qilingan.
Ularni tahlil qilishda Xitoy tilshunos, tarjimashunos olimlari Leich, Semino hamda Shortning
model hamda shkalalaridan samarali foydalanildi
Ushbu maqolada ingliz detektiv navis yozuvchisi Jeyms Hedli Cheyzning
“Seyfdagi pullar” (Come easy go easy) asari hamda uning tarjimasidan foydalanib, tarjimada
diskurs taqdimoti yordamida ijodkorning uslubi hamda muttarjimning uslubi tahlil qilingan.
Ularni tahlil qilishda Xitoy tilshunos, tarjimashunos olimlari Leich, Semino hamda Shortning
model hamda shkalalaridan samarali foydalanildi
This article analyzes the author's style and the translator's style by presenting
the English detective novelist James Hadley Chase's "Come easy go easy" in translation. The
models and scales of Chinese linguists and translators Leich, Semino and Short were effectively
used in their analysis.
В этой статье анализируется стиль автора и стиль переводчика,
представляя в переводе “Легкоприходят—легкоуходят” английского детектива-романиста
Джеймса Хедли Чейза. Модели и шкалы китайских лингвистов и переводчиков Leich,
Semino и Short были эффективно использованы в их анализе.
№ | Имя автора | Должность | Наименование организации |
1 | Kholikova N. . |
№ | Название ссылки |
1 | Boase-Beier, Jean. 2006. Stylistic approaches to translation. Manchester: St. Jerome. |
2 | Newmark, Peter. 1981. Approaches to translation. Oxford: Pergamon Press. |
3 | Leech, Geffrey, and Mick Short. 1981. Style in fiction: A linguistic introduction to English fictional prose. London: Longman. |
4 | Leech, Geffrey, and Mick Short. 1981. Style in fiction: A linguistic introduction to English fictionalprose. London: Longman |
5 | Semino, Elena, and Mick Short. 2004. Corpus stylistics: Speech, writing and thought presentation in a corpus of English writing. London: Routledge. |
6 | Shen, Dan. 1991. Ye tan Zhongguo xiaoshuo xushu zhong zhuanshuyu de dutexing [On the idiosyncrasies of modes of speech presentation in Chinese Narrative Fiction]. Journal of Peking University (Philosophy and Social Science Edition) 28(4): 76–79, 82. |
7 | Chase J.H. Come easy-Go easy.-Granada:”Watfa books”, 1960.-P.80. |
8 | Cheyz J.H. Seyfdagi pullar. Tarjima asar.-T.:”Yangi asr avlodi”,2011 .-224b. |