The model has been developed to study the parameters of a synchronous motor with biaxial, longitudinal-transverse excitation. The model is developed by means of the Matlab simulink computer program based on Park-Gorev differential equations. A rotor of the investigated synchronous motor with longitudinal-transverse excitation consists of a massive pole in which there are two field windings shifted by an angle of 90 electrical degrees. Using the model, the starting mode of a synchronous motor with longitudinal-transverse excitation is investigated. The oscillograms of the ignition trigger  are also presented.The developed model has the ability to describe the patterns of change in the electromagnetic moment, rotor angular velocity and currents in the stator and rotor contours in time.

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  • DOI
  • Дата создание в систему UzSCI05-05-2021
  • Количество прочтений172
  • Дата публикации19-11-2020
  • Язык статьиIngliz
  • Страницы129-133

The model has been developed to study the parameters of a synchronous motor with biaxial, longitudinal-transverse excitation. The model is developed by means of the Matlab simulink computer program based on Park-Gorev differential equations. A rotor of the investigated synchronous motor with longitudinal-transverse excitation consists of a massive pole in which there are two field windings shifted by an angle of 90 electrical degrees. Using the model, the starting mode of a synchronous motor with longitudinal-transverse excitation is investigated. The oscillograms of the ignition trigger  are also presented.The developed model has the ability to describe the patterns of change in the electromagnetic moment, rotor angular velocity and currents in the stator and rotor contours in time.

Имя автора Должность Наименование организации
1 Pirmatov .B. Professor TDTU
2 Giyasov S.M. senior teacher TDTU
3 Urakov S.E. assistant TDTU
4 Urakova F.E. magister TDTU
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