This article provides an analysis of current news about the development of the cotton industry in the country. It is also based on the theoretical research and analysis of cleaning processes used in the foreign countries, on the ways to improve the cleaning efficiency of  the pile drum, which is the main working body of the equipment for raw cotton treatment from small impurities. It is based on the need for theoretical  surface cleaning calculations to increase the cleaning efficiency of  the fine-grained cleaning equipment.

The results of  the theoretical research on the calculation of useful surfaces and mesh surfaces based on the calculation of  the pile and mesh surface located at the bottom, which are currently used in the republic and abroad. The need to develop new structures and their calculations were made to increase the use of mesh surfaces up to 100%.

  • Ссылка в интернете
  • DOI
  • Дата создание в систему UzSCI07-05-2021
  • Количество прочтений157
  • Дата публикации19-11-2020
  • Язык статьиIngliz
  • Страницы234-240

This article provides an analysis of current news about the development of the cotton industry in the country. It is also based on the theoretical research and analysis of cleaning processes used in the foreign countries, on the ways to improve the cleaning efficiency of  the pile drum, which is the main working body of the equipment for raw cotton treatment from small impurities. It is based on the need for theoretical  surface cleaning calculations to increase the cleaning efficiency of  the fine-grained cleaning equipment.

The results of  the theoretical research on the calculation of useful surfaces and mesh surfaces based on the calculation of  the pile and mesh surface located at the bottom, which are currently used in the republic and abroad. The need to develop new structures and their calculations were made to increase the use of mesh surfaces up to 100%.

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