The article reveals that the Soviet model of the national state had a decisive influence on the formation and subsequent deformation of the system of the Kazakh national press, as well as the coverage of issues of national self-identification in it.

  • Количество прочтений 350
  • Дата публикации 09-10-2018
  • Язык статьиIngliz
  • Страницы18

The article reveals that the Soviet model of the national state had a decisive influence on the formation and subsequent deformation of the system of the Kazakh national press, as well as the coverage of issues of national self-identification in it.


Мақолада миллий давлат совет моделининг қозоқ матбуоти тизими шаклланишига, унинг кейинги деформациясига, миллий ўзликни англаш масалаларини қозоқ матбуотида ёритишга таъсири ўрганилган.


В статье изучено влияние советской модели национальной государственности на формирование и последующую деформацию системы казахской периодической печати, на освещение в казахской прессе вопросов национальной самоидентификации.

Имя автора Должность Наименование организации
1 Sadykov S.. Associate professor, Doctor of sciences philology Department of MASS-MEDIA A.Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
2 Erkibayeba G.. professor, Doctor of Education A.Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
3 Alimzhanova A.. Doctorant Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
Название ссылки
1 Горизонты публицистики: практика и проблемы. – M., 1981. – 231с
2 Ray of friendship. – Alma-ata: Kazakhstan, 1974; Planet of virgin lands. – Alma-ata: Zhalyn, 1984.
3 Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.F.708.Op.135.D.6.L.46.
4 Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.F.708.Op.135.D.6.L.48.
5 Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.F.708.Op.58.D.151.L.13.
6 Ponamaryev L., Shinkarenko V. Dogmatism. Roots of stagnation. // Izvestiya, 1988,10–11th of June.
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