The article describes the results of studies carried out with the aim of identifying the main structural-geomorphological and neotectonic elements that control oil and gas content within Fergana Region using materials from remote sensing of the Earth. To date, cosmogeological maps have been compiled for the western part of Uzbekistan. In Fergana region, the use of remote sensing photographs dates back to the 60-80 of the last century. Therefore, studies based on space images are relevant. Based on a quantitative analysis of the distribution of oil and gas fields, the main structures that control the oil and gas content of the territory have established stepped zones (31% of the total number of fields), monoclines (22%), near-side slopes and fault zones (10-15%). Possibilities of identifying such areas using Landsat 8 satellite images were considered. In addition, various published geological materials, including cartographic ones, were used. When processing satellite images, the software packages Envi, Erdas Imagine, QGIS, etc. were used. The research was carried out on the basis of the software-integrated environment ArcGis. Based on the identification of deciphering signs (by the degree of brightness and the photon of the images) of geomorphological relief elements and structures within the Fergana depression, the main morphostructural elements have been identified - uplifts and depressions, fault zones, monoclines, near-side slopes, folded blocks. It is shown that the technique used allows the operational study of large territories, and the results obtained can be used to identify promising areas for performing top-priority prospecting and exploration works.
№ | Имя автора | Должность | Наименование организации |
1 | Umurzakov R.A. | O'qituvchi | TDTU |
2 | Rabbimkulov S.A. | O'qituvchi | TDTU |
3 | Nesmeyanov S.A. | O'qituvchi | Sergeev Institute of Environmental Geoscience RAS (IEG RAS), Moscow |
4 | Voeykova O.A. | O'qituvchi | Sergeev Institute of Environmental Geoscience RAS (IEG RAS), Moscow |
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