As a result of the analysis of the modern methods of precious metal ore separation, a technological scheme of pneumatic separation of bulk materials in a fluidized bed is proposed in the article. For the development of new highly efficient designs of devices with a fluidized bed, methods of system analysis were used and mathematical and computer models of the process were obtained. As a result of the study of the industrial waste composition from mining and metallurgical plants, it was determined that the composition of industrial waste contains particles of different densities and sizes. To determine the speed of the air flow, the forces acting on the particle in the fluidized bed from above and below were studied, that is, the force of the particle mass from top to bottom and the force that lifts the particle from bottom to top. Computational experiments were carried out on a computer model and air flow rates were determined for crushed particles containing particles of gold (Au) and SiO2 with a size of 0.037 mm in a fluidized bed. An experimental setup for the separation of bulk materials (industrial waste) depending on the size and density is proposed. Thexperiments have been carried out for of industrial waste particles with a size of 0.037 mm and different densities. For the SiO2 component with a size of 0.037 mm, the air flow was supplied with an initial velocity of 1.065 m / s, and for gold (Au), 1.44 m / s. The experiments were carried out at two critical speeds of 1.065 m / s and 1.44 m / s, and the values of the drag coefficient were determined. The influence of the drag coefficient on the speed values is determined. The effect of turbulent or laminar air flow in the process of pneumatic separation in a fluidized bed has been studied.
№ | Имя автора | Должность | Наименование организации |
1 | Yunusov B.I. | O'qituvchi | TDTU |
2 | Yusufbekov N.R. | O'qituvchi | TDTU |
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