The article describes the results of research on the selection of working body types for strip tillage of soil. Information on the advantages of the technology of minimal soil tillage (Strip-Till) is presented. The data obtained as a result of experimental studies to determine soil moisture and hardness, as well as the quality of soil tilling by the recommended working bodies, are presented. The arrangement schemes of working bodies for the considered technology have been drawn up. The general concept of the development of a combined aggregate on energy-resource-water-saving technologies for the cultivation of crops in permanent furrows and in row spacing ridges was selected. The aggregate is based on the SMX-4-01 domestic pneumatic planter and the front of the KXU-4B cotton cultivator and is aggregated with a class 1.4 grade universal row-crop tractor. It is noted that the most acceptable combination of working bodies for soil strip tillage is combination of working bodies consisting of 3 flat cutting discs and lancet chisel, which ensure the required quality of soil crushing and uniformity of tillage depth, as well as the width of the tilled strip and the flatness of the tilled surface, and prevent the working bodies from clogging with plant remains and soil. For the normal operation of the seed planting working bodies, the width of the tilling soil strip should not be less than the width of the planter openers. Further research was aimed at substantiating the main parameters of working bodies and the parametres are as follows: the diameter of the cutting discs, which prevents the working bodies from clogging with plant remains and soil, the coordinates of their location, the angle of installation of the lancet chisel, the distance between the cutting discs and the lancet chisel, the tilling depth, the working width, the total resistance of the aggregate, and the movement speed of the aggregate.
№ | Имя автора | Должность | Наименование организации |
1 | Alimova F.A. | O'qituvchi | TDTU |
2 | Primkulov B.S. | O'qituvchi | TDTU |
3 | Tolibaev A.E. | O'qituvchi | Center on сertification and testing of agricultural techniques and technologies Tashkent Region |
4 | Gulamov M.S. | O'qituvchi | Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers |
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