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  • DOI
  • Дата создание в систему UzSCI 23-07-2021
  • Количество прочтений 363
  • Дата публикации 27-03-2021
  • Язык статьиIngliz
  • Страницы285-289
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Today in our country there is a very short time for sowing crops, the lack of technical means of tillage, sowing of existing techniques (disc harrow, plow, chisel, cultivator, etc.). It is not possible to use these areas efficiently as they cannot carry out all the technological processes in one pass.  The development of resource-saving technologies for replanting crops with minimal tillage in grain-free fields and maximum retention of available moisture in the soil on hot summer days is a topical issue.  The quality of machine work at tillage is determined by the tillage depth, the flatness of the field surface, the quality and density of soil compaction and the degree of weed loss.  The average depth of tillage in the fields prepared for sowing should not differ by more than 1 cm from the indicator set by the agronomist, the average square deviation of field surface irregularities should not exceed 2 cm, the amount of soil particles smaller than 25 mm should be at least 80%, size 50  pieces larger than mm should not be present at all.  In fulfillment of the above requirements, several models of agricultural machinery are imported from abroad and used in the conduct of agricultural work in our country.  One of such imported cars is disk harrows.  Today, disc harrows have spherical disc work bodies of various types and sizes, and when used depending on soil climatic conditions, their discs are subject to frequent wear and tear due to friction with the soil.  This article presents an analysis of the use of disc harrows in different soil-climatic conditions, the erosion caused by soil friction with discs, and the development of an economical, efficient, farmers' method of their restoration.

Имя автора Должность Наименование организации
1 Ishmurodov S.U. Katta o'qituvchi TDTU
2 Khudoyberdiyev M.S. Assistant TDTU
3 Abdumajidov R.B. O'qituvchi TDTU
4 Kravchenko L.V. O'qituvchi Don State Technical University
Название ссылки
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2 2. Decree No. PF-4947 of February 7, 2017 "On the strategy of further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan."
3 3. Resolution No. PP-3117 of July 7, 2017 "On measures to further develop the scientific andtechnical base in the field of agricultural machinery."
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