Biz uchinchi tartibli Keli daraxtida nol bo’lmagan tashqi maydonli SOS
modelini ko’ramiz. Bu maqolada translyatsion-invariant tashqi maydonli SOS modeli uchun
translyatsion-invariant asosiy holatlar tasniflangan.
Biz uchinchi tartibli Keli daraxtida nol bo’lmagan tashqi maydonli SOS
modelini ko’ramiz. Bu maqolada translyatsion-invariant tashqi maydonli SOS modeli uchun
translyatsion-invariant asosiy holatlar tasniflangan.
Мы рассмотрим модели SOS с внешним полем не равным нулю на
дереве Кэли третьего порядка. В данной статье дана характеристика трансляционно-
инвариантные основные состояние модели SOS с трансляционно-инвариантным внешним
We consider the SOS model with non-zero external field on the
k 3 Cayley tree of order . Described translation-invariant ground states for the model of SOS with
translation-invariant external field.
№ | Имя автора | Должность | Наименование организации |
1 | Raxmatullayev M.M. | Fizika-matematika fanlari doktori, Professor | Namangan state university |
2 | Abdusalomova M.R. | fizika-matematika fakulteti 5A130101-matematika yo’nalishi MM-24-18-guruh talabasi. | Namangan state university |
№ | Название ссылки |
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3 | F.Mukhamedov, Ch.Hee Pah, M.Rahmatullaev, H.Jamil. “Periodic and Weakly Periodic Ground States for the λ− Model on Cayley Tree”. 2017.Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 949, 012021, doi:10.1088/1742−6596/949/1/012021. |
4 | M. I. Kargapolov, Yu. I. Merzlyakov “Fundamentals of the Theory of Groups” (Springer-Verlag, New York-Heidelberg-Berlin, 1979). [Fundamentals of Group Theory(Nauka, Moscow, 1982)]. |
5 | U.A.Rozikov “ A contructite Description of Grond States and Gibbs Measures for Ising Model with two step interations on Cayley tree”. 2006. Journal of statistical Physics. Vol. 122. N2. |
6 | M. M. Rahmatullaev “ Description of Weak Periodic Ground States of Ising Model with Competing Interactions on Cayley Tree”. 2010.Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences 4(2), 237251. |
7 | M.M.Rakhmatullaev, M.A.Rasulova “Periodic and Weakly Periodic Ground States for the Potts Model with Competing Interactions on the Cayley Tree”. 2016. ISSN 1055 − 1344, Siberian Advances in Mathematics, Vol. 26, No.3, pp.215229. |
8 | U. A.Rozikov, M. M. Rahmatullaev “Weakly Periodic Ground States and Gibbs Measures for the Ising Model with Competing Interactions on the Cayley Tree”, Theor. Math. Phys. 160, No. 3, 1292–1300 (2009). |
9 | M.M.Rahmatullaev, M.A.Rasulova “Ground States for the Ising model with an external field on the Cayley tree”, Uz. Math. Journal, No. 3, 147–155 (2018). |
10 | M. M.Rahmatullaev, M.R.Abdusalomova, M.A.Rasulova “Ground states for the SOS model with an external field on the Cayley tree” Phys.Math.Journal Arxiv.[1908.02457]. |