This article discusses the teaching stages that should be followed in teaching a
second foreign language. It also describes the peculiarities of each stage, the importance of sequences
as well as the ways in which phonetic, grammatical and lexical skills are developed. It is dwelled on
that, reading skills are not only the purpose of teaching, but also means for the formation of speech
skills in speaking and writing. The article gives consideration to successive stages of work when
teaching reading with full understanding of the text.
This article discusses the teaching stages that should be followed in teaching a
second foreign language. It also describes the peculiarities of each stage, the importance of sequences
as well as the ways in which phonetic, grammatical and lexical skills are developed. It is dwelled on
that, reading skills are not only the purpose of teaching, but also means for the formation of speech
skills in speaking and writing. The article gives consideration to successive stages of work when
teaching reading with full understanding of the text.
В этой статье рассматриваются этапы обучения, которые следует
соблюдать при обучении второму иностранному языку. В нем также описываются
особенности каждого этапа, важность последовательностей, а также способы развития
фонетических, грамматических и лексических навыков. Обращается внимание на то, что
навыки чтения являются не только целью обучения, но и средством формирования
речевых навыков в устной и письменной речи. В статье также дается обзор
последовательности этапов работы при обучении чтению с полным пониманием текста.
Ushbu maqolada ikkinchi chet tilini o'qitish metodikasida amal qilinishi kerak
bo’lgan o’qitish bosqichlari muhokama qilingan. Shuningdek, har bir bosqichning o’ziga hos
tomonlari, uzviy ketma-ketlikning ahamiyati va har bir bosqichda fonetik, grammatik va leksik
ko'nikmalarni shakllantirishning usullari yoritilgan. O'qish ko’nikmasi nafaqat o'qitishning
maqsadi, balki og'zaki va yozma nutq qobiliyatini shakllantirish vositasi ekanligiga e'tibor
qaratiladi.Bundan tashqari, maqolada matnni to'liq tushunish maqsadida o'qish ko’nikmasini
rivojlantirishdagi muhim jihatlar ko'rib chiqilgan.
№ | Имя автора | Должность | Наименование организации |
1 | Mamatova N.A. | O'qituvchi | Andijan State Medical Institute |
№ | Название ссылки |
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