In recent years, a number of scientific and political circles have formed the view that liberalism, which proclaimed itself as a doctrine that stands in opposition to conservatism, is failing and has no prospects. As a basis for this approach, the failure of the liberal world order of the end of the 20th and early 21st centuries is shown. As is known, liberalism, like political philosophy and ideology, especially after the collapse of the bipolar world, was accepted as the only acceptable true model. Its manifestations can be observed in the way in which the great powers do not observe the generally accepted international law, increasingly try to impose their ambitions on the policy of hegemony. It is believed that further weakening of the role of the US and Europe in world politics, deepening the migration crisis means the departure of liberal values to the background. Some observers identify this trend as well as the collapse of liberal political philosophy as a whole. The topic of the article is devoted to the processes of the decline of liberal political philosophy in the aspect of the migration crisis and the rejection of the policy of multiculturalism in Western society. At present, the phenomenon of migration is the main factor of geopolitical changes in the system of international relations. One of the negative consequences and manifestations of the global migration crisis was the collapse of the policy of multiculturalism in some Western countries. Last year, the political elite of Western countries have called into question the adequacy of the model of the neo-liberal world order, implemented in recent decades. Some researchers note that liberal philosophy is not an exclusive paradigm. On the other hand, it is emphasized that, on the contrary, the liberal world order is weakening under the pressure of extreme right ideologies. The situation is aggravated by the fact that at present a system alternative to the liberal world order has not yet been formed. In addition, there are differences between the liberal theories of the twentieth century and the global liberal order. The article argues that updated migration policy and a rethinking of liberal political philosophy can become an important factor in the stability of a multicultural society and one of the ways out of the present state of deep crisis in Western countries.

  • Ссылка в интернете
  • DOI10.26739/2181-9505-2018-1-1
  • Дата создание в систему UzSCI 06-11-2019
  • Количество прочтений 281
  • Дата публикации 01-02-2018
  • Язык статьиIngliz
  • Страницы12-20

In recent years, a number of scientific and political circles have formed the view that liberalism, which proclaimed itself as a doctrine that stands in opposition to conservatism, is failing and has no prospects. As a basis for this approach, the failure of the liberal world order of the end of the 20th and early 21st centuries is shown. As is known, liberalism, like political philosophy and ideology, especially after the collapse of the bipolar world, was accepted as the only acceptable true model. Its manifestations can be observed in the way in which the great powers do not observe the generally accepted international law, increasingly try to impose their ambitions on the policy of hegemony. It is believed that further weakening of the role of the US and Europe in world politics, deepening the migration crisis means the departure of liberal values to the background. Some observers identify this trend as well as the collapse of liberal political philosophy as a whole. The topic of the article is devoted to the processes of the decline of liberal political philosophy in the aspect of the migration crisis and the rejection of the policy of multiculturalism in Western society. At present, the phenomenon of migration is the main factor of geopolitical changes in the system of international relations. One of the negative consequences and manifestations of the global migration crisis was the collapse of the policy of multiculturalism in some Western countries. Last year, the political elite of Western countries have called into question the adequacy of the model of the neo-liberal world order, implemented in recent decades. Some researchers note that liberal philosophy is not an exclusive paradigm. On the other hand, it is emphasized that, on the contrary, the liberal world order is weakening under the pressure of extreme right ideologies. The situation is aggravated by the fact that at present a system alternative to the liberal world order has not yet been formed. In addition, there are differences between the liberal theories of the twentieth century and the global liberal order. The article argues that updated migration policy and a rethinking of liberal political philosophy can become an important factor in the stability of a multicultural society and one of the ways out of the present state of deep crisis in Western countries.


Keyingi yillarda ilmiy siyosiy davralarda konservatizmga oppozitsiyada turgan liberalizm inqirozga uchradi va uning istiqboli yo'q degan fikr shakllandi. Buning isbotini XX asr oxiri va XXI asr boshlaridagi dunyoning liberal tartibining inqirozida ko'rishimiz mumkin. Ma'lumki, liberalizm bipolyar  dunyoning inqirozidan so'ng siyosiy falsafa va mafkura sifatida yagona haqiqiy model sifatida tan olindi. Uning namoyon bo'lishini buyuk davlatlarning umumqabul qilingan xalqaro huquq normalariga rioya qilmaslikda, o'zlarining siyosiy gegemonlikka moyilligida kuzatishimiz mumkin. Kelgusida AQSh va Yevropaning dunyo siyosatidagi mavqening pasayishi, migratsiya inqirozining chuqurlashuvi liberal qadriyatlarning ikkinchi darajali bo'lganligidan dalolatdir. Ba'zi kuzatuvchilar bu tendentsiyani umumiy siyosiy falsafaning inqirozi sifatida ham talqin qiladi. Maqolaning mavzusi migratsiya inqirozi jihatidan liberal siyosiy falsafaning pasayishi va g'arb jamiyatida multimadaniyat siyosatidan voz kechish jarayonining tahliliga bag'ishlanadi. Hozirgi davrda migratsiya hodisasi xalqaro munosabatlar tizimida geosiyosiy o'zgarishlarning asosiy omili sifatida namoyon bo'ladi. Global migratsiya inqirozining salbiy oqibati ba'zi g'arb mamlakatlarida multimadaniyat siyosatining inqirozida namoyon bo'ldi. So'nggi yillarda g'arb mamlakatlari siyosiy elitasi keyingi o'n yillar davomida noliberal dunyoviy tartib modelining adekvatligi masalasini qo'ydi. Ba'zi tadqiqotchilar liberal falsafa yagona paradigma emas deb ta'kidlamoqda. Boshqa tomondan, liberal dunyoviy tartib keskin o'ng mafkuralar ta'sirida kuchsizlanmoqda degan fikr ham ilgari surilmoqda. Vaziyat hozirgi davrda liberal dunyoviy tartibga muqobil tizim shakllanmaganligi hisobiga yanada chuqurlashmoqda. Undan tashqari, XX asrning liberal nazariyalari bilan global liberal tartib o'rtasida farq bor. Maqolada yangilangan migratsiya siyosati va qayta anglangan liberal siyosat falsafasi ko'pmadaniyatli jamiyat barqarorligining va bu g'arb jamiyatlaridagi chuqur inqirozdan chiqish muhim omili bo'lishi mumkinligi ta'kidlanadi.

Имя автора Должность Наименование организации
1 Allahyarova T..
Название ссылки
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