• Ссылка в интернете
  • DOI10.26739/2181-9505-2018-1-16
  • Дата создание в систему UzSCI 06-11-2019
  • Количество прочтений 237
  • Дата публикации 01-02-2018
  • Язык статьиRus
  • Страницы168-173
Ключевые слова

Insonning noyob mohiyati xotiraning faqat unga xosligidadir. Aynan xotira tufayli insoniyatning eng qadrli ma'naviy merosi asrdan asrga, avloddan avlodga yetkaziladi. Shu nuqtai nazardan, musiqa ma'naviy madaniyatning tarkibiy qismi sifatida qadimgi ildizlarga ega. Barcha xalqlar musiqa orqari kelajak avlodga G'z milliy mentalitetining takrorlanmas jihatlarini yetkazishga xarakat qilgan. Dunyo hamjamiyati musiqashunoslari tomonidan buyuk ma'naviy madaniyatning tarkibiy qismi "Shashmakom" original sharqona kuy sifatida yuqori baholanadi. Shuni alohida ta'kidlash lozimki XX-XXI asrning mashhur san'atshunosi Fayzullo Karomatov Shashmakom yG'nalishlarini G'rganishga alohida hissa qG'shgan. Butun umrini u O'zbekiston va Tojikistonning musiqa san'ati tarixini G'rganishga bag'ishlagan. Ushbu maqolada ustoz Fayzullo Karomatovning tojik musiqa san'ati rivojiga qG'shgan hissasi, ijodi va faoliyati ochib beriladi.

Имя автора Должность Наименование организации
1 Kabilova B..
Название ссылки
1 Yunusov R. (2006). Faizulla Muzaffarovich Karomatli. // From the source: Sergey Savchuk-Kurbanov. The 80th anniversary of F.Karomatli // BVV, January 12, ¹2, from 26 // http://www.silkway.uz/ contentmore/812
2 Karomatov F. (1962). Uzbek dombra music. Tashkent: Science, from 56.
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5 Mal'keeva A. (1983). 'Musical Instrument of the Peoples of the Middle East in the Aspect of MusicalHistorical Relations'. - Author's abstract of diss. to the soisk. academic degree of Cand. art history. - Tashkent, 1983. - P.7
6 Karomatov F. (1978). 'The main tasks of studying makoms and mugams in the Eastern Republics'. Makom, mugham and modern composer's creativity. Tashkent:
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11 Karomatov F., Nurjanov N., Kabilova B. (2010). Musical art of the Pamir. - Book 3. - Bishkek:
12 Nurjanov N., Kabilova B. (2014). 'Musical art of the Pamir'. Book 4. Bishkek:
13 Nurjanov N., Kabilova B. (2015). 'Musical art of the Pamir'. Book 5. Bishkek:
14 Nurjanov N.' Musical art of Pamir peoples' /http://avesta.tj / 2011/01/23
15 Karomatov F., Nurjanov N. (1978). 'Musical heritage of the Tajiks of Pripamirya'./ Musical art of the Pamir .- Kn.1. - Moskov: - P.5-23.
16 It should be noted that all the text parts of the vocal numbers and fairy tales were deciphered by N.Nurdzhanov, and the musical parts by F.Karomatov and B.Kabilova.
17 Speech B. Kravchenko at the presentation of books "Musical Art of the Pamirs in the Center of Ismailism in Dushanbe: (2015). https://news.tj/en/news/v-dushanbe-prezentovali-knigi-po-istorii-i- kulturepamirskogo-regiona-tadzhikistana
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