• Ссылка в интернете
  • DOI10.26739/2181-9505-2018-4-4
  • Дата создание в систему UzSCI 06-11-2019
  • Количество прочтений 251
  • Дата публикации 29-12-2018
  • Язык статьиRus
  • Страницы41-50
Ключевые слова

Maqolada "Madaniyatlar dialogi madaniyati" kategoriyasi rivojlanishining evristik ma'nosi va istiqbollari asoslangan. Shu yo'nalishdaolib borilgan tadqiqotlarga baho berilgan. Ekofalsafaning sermahsulligi hozirgi davr muammosi sifatida madaniyatlar dialogi madaniyatining planetar yaxlit ma'nosining metodologik va dunyoqarashli asosi ekanligi ochib berilgan.

Имя автора Должность Наименование организации
1 Gezalov A.A. доктор философии Российской академии наук по международным
Название ссылки
1 GEZALOV,A.A. (2017).'Azerbaijani multiculturalism' // Collection of scientific reports of the International scientific-practical conference "The Actual problems of science studies, culture, education, economy, IT and social transformation . 2017", Moscow regional branch of the Saint Petersburg Humanitarian university of the Unions "Institute of Arts and IT", Moscow:Poligraph service, p. 71-79
2 MATVEITCHEV,O.A. (2016). 'Information wars of XXI century'. "Soft Power" against the nuclear bomb. Moscow:Knizhniymir, - p. 27.
3 BARKOVA,E.V. (2015). 'The philosophy of the dialogue among cultures as a hope for saving the peace' // Dialogue of cultures: social, political and value aspects of the Materials of Moscow Forum, which is dedicated to the memory of GeidarAliev. - Moscow, Canon+ ROOI "Rehabilitation",p. 103-115.
4 ALIEVA LEILA (2016). Introduction // The Culture of Cultural Dialogue: the posing and the verge of the problem. Moscow: Canon+ ROOI "Rehabilitation", p. 5-6.
5 MAMEDZADE, I.R. (2016). 'To the question of multiculturalism and cultural dialogue' // The Culture of Cultural Dialogue: the posing and the verge of the problem. Moscow:Canon+ ROOI "Rehabilitation", p. 19
6 MAMEDZADE, I.R. (2016). 'To the question of multiculturalism and cultural dialogue' // The Culture of Cultural Dialogue: the posing and the verge of the problem. Moscow: Canon+ ROOI "Rehabilitation", p. 19
7 MELIKOV, I.M., Ghezalov, A. A. (2014). Dialogue of cultures and the culture of dialogue: conceptual bases. Problems of philosophy, ¹12. p. 24-35.
8 BARKOVA, E.V. (2014). 'Transformation of communication technologies from the ecophilosophical perspective of globalisation'.Orlov State University Herald. Series: New humanitarian research. ¹3(38). c. 132-136.
9 BARKOVA, E.V. (2016). 'Ecoculture of dialogue as a universal model of normativity of communication in the era of globalisation' // The Culture of Cultural Dialogue: the posing and the verge of the problem. // Materials of the International scientific conference. Editors-in-chief I. M. Ghezalov, A. A. Moscow: Canon+ ROOI "Rehabilitation", p. 36-45.
10 MORAN, E. (2013).'Method. Nature of the Nature' // Edgar Moran: translation and introductory article of E. N. Knyazeva. 2nd Edition.Moscow: Canon+ ROOI "Rehabilitation", p. 488
11 MORAN, E. (2013).'Method. Nature of the Nature' // Edgar Moran: translation and introductory article of E. N. Knyazeva. 2nd Edition.Moscow: Canon+ ROOI "Rehabilitation", p. 462
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