This article is about how reading is one of the most significant processes of our life. Reading and it’s strategies are used in the class in order to make lesson easier and enhance reading comprehension and vocabulary knowledge. You have to take into consideration your students’ ability and their age in choosing reading strategies and activities.

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  • DOI
  • Дата создание в систему UzSCI12-08-2022
  • Количество прочтений0
  • Дата публикации13-12-2018
  • Язык статьиIngliz
  • Страницы136-139

Мақолада ўқиш кўникмасини ривожлантиришда қулай стратегиялар ҳақида фикр юритилган. Ўқиш кўникмасини ривожлантиришда ўқувчиларнинг ѐш хусусиятларини ҳисобга олиш зарурлиги муҳим далиллар асосида изоҳланган.


В статье представлены мнения авторов о развитии навыка к чтению, а также сведения о стратегии и путях его применения. На основе фактов доказана необходимость принятия во внимание индивидуальных способностей учеников для развития навыка к чтению.


This article is about how reading is one of the most significant processes of our life. Reading and it’s strategies are used in the class in order to make lesson easier and enhance reading comprehension and vocabulary knowledge. You have to take into consideration your students’ ability and their age in choosing reading strategies and activities.

Имя автора Должность Наименование организации
1 Nazaralieva M.. 1 Fergana State University
2 Oripova M.. 2 Fergana State University
Название ссылки
1 1. Жалолов Ж. Чет тил ўқитиш методикаси. – Т.. 2012 .
2 2. Bernaus, M., & Gardner, R. C. (2008). Teacher motivation strategies, students perceptions, student motivation, and English achievement. The Modern Language Journal, 08, 387-401.
3 3. Bradford, A. (2007). Motivational orientation in under-researched FLL contexts: Findings from Indonesia. RELC, 38, 302-322.
4 4. British Council (2012) Changing perceptions of skills, Conference Reports and Recommendations, p.19-20 January, 2012 Tunisia, Accessed October 24,2012 at http://www.britishcouncil.org
5 5. Common European framework of reference for languages: learning, teaching, assessment (Language Policy Unit Strasbourg www.coe.int/lang- CEFR)
6 6. Carter, B.-A. (2006). Teacher/Student responsibility in foreign language learning. New York: Peterlang Publishing, Inc.
7 7. Council of Europe (2006) European Language Portfolio (ELP) Principles and Guildelines (with added explanatory notes). Language Policy Division, Strasbourg. Digital document at www.coe.int/portfolio
8 8. Johnson, 1981; Implications of basic research for the assessment of reading comprehension, University of Illinois.
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