Nowadays there are a huge number of techniques designed for the development of language skills, but it is also very important to develop students' critical thinking in order to prepare them for adulthood. This article discusses various techniques for developing students' critical thinking through the study of proverbs and sayings, and also analyzes the effectiveness of their use in English lessons.

  • Ссылка в интернете
  • DOI
  • Дата создание в систему UzSCI 16-08-2022
  • Количество прочтений 0
  • Дата публикации 28-08-2019
  • Язык статьиIngliz
  • Страницы107-110

Бугунги кунда тил кўникмаларининг ривожига мўлжалланган кўплаб техникалар мавжуд, лекин ўқувчиларни катта ҳаётга тайёрлаш мақсадида уларнинг танқидий фикрлашларини ривожлантириш жуда муҳимдир. Ушбу мақолада мақоллар ва маталларни ўрганиш орқали ўқувчиларнинг танқидий фикрлашларини ривожлантиришнинг турли усуллари кўриб чиқилади. Шунингдек, инглиз тили дарсларида улардан фойдаланиш самарадорлиги таҳлил қилинади.v


В статье рассматривается вопрос изучения пословиц и поговорок на занятиях английского языка  как один из наиболее эффективных методов обучения языкам. Раскрываются различные точки зрения учёных, раскрывающие преимущества данного метода.v


Nowadays there are a huge number of techniques designed for the development of language skills, but it is also very important to develop students' critical thinking in order to prepare them for adulthood. This article discusses various techniques for developing students' critical thinking through the study of proverbs and sayings, and also analyzes the effectiveness of their use in English lessons.

Имя автора Должность Наименование организации
1 Abossova N.. 1 Fergana State University
Название ссылки
1 1. Edward M. Glaser. "Defining Critical Thinking". The International Center for the Assessment of Higher Order Thinking (ICAT, US)/Critical Thinking Community. Retrieved 2017-03-22.
2 2. Harnish, Robert M. (2003). "Communicating with proverbs". In Wolfgang Mieder (Ed.), Cognition, Comprehension and Communication. A Decade of North American Proverb Studies (1990-2000). Hohengehren: Schneider-Verlag.
3 3. Mieder, Wolfgang. (1993). Proverbs Are Never Out of Season. Popular Wisdom in the Modern Age. New York: Oxford University Press.
4 4. Norrick, N.R. (1985). How Proverbs Mean? Semantic Studies in English Proverbs. Amesterdom: Mouton.
5 5. Reynolds, Martin (2011). Critical thinking and systems thinking: towards a critical literacy for systems thinking in practice. In: Horvath, Christopher P. and Forte, James M. eds. Critical Thinking. New York: Nova Science Publishers, pp. 37–68.
6 6. Rowland, Durbin. (1926). "The use of proverbs in beginners' classes in the modern languages". Modern Language Journal 11:89-92.
7 7. Stupple, E. J. N., Maratos, F. A., Elander, J., Hunt, T. E., Cheung, K. Y., & Aubeeluck, A. V. (2017). Development of the Critical Thinking Toolkit (CriTT): A measure of student attitudes and beliefs about critical thinking. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 23, 91-100.
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