This article provides information on what results can be achieved by using blockchain in electronic voting. Authorities use blockchain technology to implement secure voting procedures without the need for a central authority. Blockchain-based voting systems are also more robust, tamper-proof (no changes to the vote by the voter or other third parties), and cost-effective. There has been extensive research into electronic voting systems that allow voters to vote, which are mostly systems that can be implemented using a mobile phone, computer, or other electronic device. These systems are immune to threats that could affect the integrity of the voting process. The article proposes a secure and robust electronic voting system using blockchain, aimed at ensuring the anonymity of voters and the transparency of the process
This article provides information on what results can be achieved by using blockchain in electronic voting. Authorities use blockchain technology to implement secure voting procedures without the need for a central authority. Blockchain-based voting systems are also more robust, tamper-proof (no changes to the vote by the voter or other third parties), and cost-effective. There has been extensive research into electronic voting systems that allow voters to vote, which are mostly systems that can be implemented using a mobile phone, computer, or other electronic device. These systems are immune to threats that could affect the integrity of the voting process. The article proposes a secure and robust electronic voting system using blockchain, aimed at ensuring the anonymity of voters and the transparency of the process
№ | Имя автора | Должность | Наименование организации |
1 | Tojiakbarova U.U. | teacher | TUIT |
2 | Kadirov M.M. | teacher | TSTU |
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