The performance of a water-lifting PU, which is characterized by such an
important technical and economic indicator as the specific power consumption for supplying a
unit volume of water to a hydraulic pressure pipeline while ensuring the required water
consumption schedule, is significantly affected by the design and operational parameters of
the PU. Through the application of organizational and technical measures for their appropriate
adjustment and the necessary change in the characteristics of hydraulic power equipment, it is
possible, in addition to applying methods for regulating the water supply of the PU or other
technical solutions associated with significant changes in the established technological process
of raising water, to achieve some reduction in electricity costs for water supply to rational
values. The introduction of such corrections to the values of design and operational corrections
should be based on detailed studies of the dependence of energy indicators on the indicated
values. The developed mathematical model of the PU makes it possible to obtain these
dependences for their subsequent analysis and making an appropriate decision.

  • Ссылка в интернете
  • DOI
  • Дата создание в систему UzSCI 16-01-2023
  • Количество прочтений 104
  • Дата публикации 13-01-2023
  • Язык статьиIngliz
  • Страницы128-134

The performance of a water-lifting PU, which is characterized by such an
important technical and economic indicator as the specific power consumption for supplying a
unit volume of water to a hydraulic pressure pipeline while ensuring the required water
consumption schedule, is significantly affected by the design and operational parameters of
the PU. Through the application of organizational and technical measures for their appropriate
adjustment and the necessary change in the characteristics of hydraulic power equipment, it is
possible, in addition to applying methods for regulating the water supply of the PU or other
technical solutions associated with significant changes in the established technological process
of raising water, to achieve some reduction in electricity costs for water supply to rational
values. The introduction of such corrections to the values of design and operational corrections
should be based on detailed studies of the dependence of energy indicators on the indicated
values. The developed mathematical model of the PU makes it possible to obtain these
dependences for their subsequent analysis and making an appropriate decision.

Имя автора Должность Наименование организации
1 K G.A. teacher TSTU
2 N B.K. teacher TSTU
3 M O.G. researcher TSTU
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