The article analyzes the efficiency of existing jet turbines. The nozzle jet
turbine, which works effectively in low-pressure water sources, has also been improved by
installing an internal guide device. The results of tests of the developed experimental model of
a hydroturbine are analyzed. During the experiment, it was found that the efficiency and speed
of the hydroturbine are 16-25% higher than the prototype, depending on the water pressure.
The article analyzes the efficiency of existing jet turbines. The nozzle jet
turbine, which works effectively in low-pressure water sources, has also been improved by
installing an internal guide device. The results of tests of the developed experimental model of
a hydroturbine are analyzed. During the experiment, it was found that the efficiency and speed
of the hydroturbine are 16-25% higher than the prototype, depending on the water pressure.
№ | Имя автора | Должность | Наименование организации |
1 | Kh S.U. | lecturer | Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnology |
2 | S F.E. | lecturer | Fergana Polytechnic Institute |
3 | R U.A. | lecturer | Andijan State University |
4 | O O.B. | lecturer | TSTU |
№ | Название ссылки |
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12 | O.O. Bozarov., B. Rayimdjanov. Optimizing the main parameters of a reactive hydroturbine micro-hydrogen and experimental test results. Collection of the republicwide scientific and practical conference on the theme "Innovative development of modern science. “Andijan Institute of Mechanical Engineering”, 2019. 498 |