This article analyzes from a theoretical and practical point of view that steel cable shovels
in the mining industry improve the working bodies of the bucket, and the decrease in productivity
is due to the negative consequences of factors arising as a result of weight, friction and reaction
forces acting on the excavator bucket during operation and as a result of the installation of the
bushing, the service life of the bucket ring increases, and during operation the working body of
the excavator comes into contact with rocks, the optimal position of the bucket, depending on the
angle of concavity in the mining area of 60 degrees, the influence of forces and the angle between
the steel cable lifting the bucket and the horizontal plane 60 degrees or more, it is found that the
cooling distance decreases at higher degrees.

  • Ссылка в интернете
  • DOIISSN 2181-3442
  • Дата создание в систему UzSCI 13-03-2023
  • Количество прочтений 224
  • Дата публикации 11-03-2023
  • Язык статьиIngliz
  • Страницы15-25

This article analyzes from a theoretical and practical point of view that steel cable shovels
in the mining industry improve the working bodies of the bucket, and the decrease in productivity
is due to the negative consequences of factors arising as a result of weight, friction and reaction
forces acting on the excavator bucket during operation and as a result of the installation of the
bushing, the service life of the bucket ring increases, and during operation the working body of
the excavator comes into contact with rocks, the optimal position of the bucket, depending on the
angle of concavity in the mining area of 60 degrees, the influence of forces and the angle between
the steel cable lifting the bucket and the horizontal plane 60 degrees or more, it is found that the
cooling distance decreases at higher degrees.

Имя автора Должность Наименование организации
1 Ataqulov L.N. Uslubiy bo'lim boshlig'i, DsC Navoiy davlat konchilik va texnologiyalar universiteti
2 Haydarov S.B. Konchilik elektr mexanikasi kafedrasi mudiri, PhD Navoiy davlat konchilik va texnologiyalar universiteti
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