Information and Communication Technology is making use of ICT tools to store and retrieves information. It plays 
an important role in growing and maintaining a country’s economic growth. One of the latest technologies prevailing 
nowadays is cloud computing. By sharing IT services as platform-based, software-based, and infrastructure-based 
in  the  cloud,  educational  institutions  in  Uzbekistan  can  now  out-source  non-core  services  and  better  concentrate  on 
offering students, teachers, faculty and other staff the essential tools to help them succeed. This paper looks at how Cloud 
Computing can be applied in the study of ICT and focuses on the role of cloud computing in the study of ICT in the Uzbek 
educational system. It also looks at how one can provide quality and affordable ICT education by using cloud-computing 
technology. A study of the previous system without cloud computing technology was considered and a new model of 
teaching ICT with the help of cloud computing technology has been proposed. An extensive review and analysis of the 
existing literature and models were considered and a new model was designed and piloted.

  • Ссылка в интернете
  • DOI
  • Дата создание в систему UzSCI 10-05-2023
  • Количество прочтений 99
  • Дата публикации 28-04-2023
  • Язык статьиIngliz
  • Страницы10

Information and Communication Technology is making use of ICT tools to store and retrieves information. It plays 
an important role in growing and maintaining a country’s economic growth. One of the latest technologies prevailing 
nowadays is cloud computing. By sharing IT services as platform-based, software-based, and infrastructure-based 
in  the  cloud,  educational  institutions  in  Uzbekistan  can  now  out-source  non-core  services  and  better  concentrate  on 
offering students, teachers, faculty and other staff the essential tools to help them succeed. This paper looks at how Cloud 
Computing can be applied in the study of ICT and focuses on the role of cloud computing in the study of ICT in the Uzbek 
educational system. It also looks at how one can provide quality and affordable ICT education by using cloud-computing 
technology. A study of the previous system without cloud computing technology was considered and a new model of 
teaching ICT with the help of cloud computing technology has been proposed. An extensive review and analysis of the 
existing literature and models were considered and a new model was designed and piloted.

Имя автора Должность Наименование организации
1 Dadamuxamedov A.. Department of “Modern Information and Communication Technologies” O'zekiston xalqaro islom akademiyasi
Название ссылки
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