The paper considers the development of measuring electronics, which can be used
in a variety of systems and in a wide range, due to its flexible design and intellectual properties. A
methodology is proposed for creating intelligent sensors that take into account the resources of
multisensor systems, as well as using multi-purpose evolutionary computing. The proposed
methodology solves the problem of rapid prototyping of measurement systems in conditions of
limited implementations. The features of self-correction for a particular type of sensor are
considered, on which the stability of the operation of the entire control system in a dynamic
environment depends. In the work, principle work and intelligent device for connecting parametric
sensors, their structural schematic, and functionality. And also it is suggested digital signal
processing in real time to improve the reliability of measurement results and compensate for
influencing factors. The developed device is equipped with flexible functions that can be expanded
by including intellectual properties. The developed intelligent device for connecting parametric
sensors addresses the issues of a very important problem of diagnosing a measurement sensor.
The proposed device can independently determine the state of the primary measuring transducer,
check and detect malfunctions of measuring instruments. Developed smart device _ has the ability
to adapt to conditions exploitation, also has the ability to connect most parametric sensors.
Developed device allows conduct continuous diagnostics, tracking faults and do credibility
conclusions _ measurements. Composition _ diagnostics included control stability object and state
sensor, and tracking too much weak signal, warning about danger complete failure sensor.
The paper considers the development of measuring electronics, which can be used
in a variety of systems and in a wide range, due to its flexible design and intellectual properties. A
methodology is proposed for creating intelligent sensors that take into account the resources of
multisensor systems, as well as using multi-purpose evolutionary computing. The proposed
methodology solves the problem of rapid prototyping of measurement systems in conditions of
limited implementations. The features of self-correction for a particular type of sensor are
considered, on which the stability of the operation of the entire control system in a dynamic
environment depends. In the work, principle work and intelligent device for connecting parametric
sensors, their structural schematic, and functionality. And also it is suggested digital signal
processing in real time to improve the reliability of measurement results and compensate for
influencing factors. The developed device is equipped with flexible functions that can be expanded
by including intellectual properties. The developed intelligent device for connecting parametric
sensors addresses the issues of a very important problem of diagnosing a measurement sensor.
The proposed device can independently determine the state of the primary measuring transducer,
check and detect malfunctions of measuring instruments. Developed smart device _ has the ability
to adapt to conditions exploitation, also has the ability to connect most parametric sensors.
Developed device allows conduct continuous diagnostics, tracking faults and do credibility
conclusions _ measurements. Composition _ diagnostics included control stability object and state
sensor, and tracking too much weak signal, warning about danger complete failure sensor.
№ | Имя автора | Должность | Наименование организации |
1 | Yusupbekov N.R. | teacher | TSTU |
2 | Ruziev U.A. | researcher | TSTU |
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