This article reviews the literature on soil erosion from an environmental perspective.
Based on the analysis of scientific sources, the main causes of erosion processes and their consequences
were determined. The lithological and geomorphological conditions of soil erosion in the northern part
of Namangan region were thoroughly studied.
It was found that erosion processes disrupt the normal course of soil formation processes,
change the morphological properties of soils, deteriorate physical, water, biological, agrochemical and
other properties. features.
The cause of erosion in the examined area is the presence of surface water flow; The greater the
flow, the greater the washing and erosion. The flow regime depends on the nature of the relief, the
amount of precipitation, soil properties, vegetation cover and human economic activity. The greatest
influence on the formation of surface water is the surface relief: the steepness of the slopes, the
exposure, the shape and length of the slopes, the depth of local erosion bases.
Based on the structure of the surface of the region, geographical location, geological age, relief
and the nature of the rocks included in the composition, six geomorphological regions were identified,
which differ from each other not only in lithological and geomorphological diversity, but also in
heterogeneity. soil cover and their susceptibility to erosion processes.

  • Ссылка в интернете
  • DOI
  • Дата создание в систему UzSCI26-12-2023
  • Количество прочтений22
  • Дата публикации25-12-2023
  • Язык статьиIngliz
  • Страницы44-48

This article reviews the literature on soil erosion from an environmental perspective.
Based on the analysis of scientific sources, the main causes of erosion processes and their consequences
were determined. The lithological and geomorphological conditions of soil erosion in the northern part
of Namangan region were thoroughly studied.
It was found that erosion processes disrupt the normal course of soil formation processes,
change the morphological properties of soils, deteriorate physical, water, biological, agrochemical and
other properties. features.
The cause of erosion in the examined area is the presence of surface water flow; The greater the
flow, the greater the washing and erosion. The flow regime depends on the nature of the relief, the
amount of precipitation, soil properties, vegetation cover and human economic activity. The greatest
influence on the formation of surface water is the surface relief: the steepness of the slopes, the
exposure, the shape and length of the slopes, the depth of local erosion bases.
Based on the structure of the surface of the region, geographical location, geological age, relief
and the nature of the rocks included in the composition, six geomorphological regions were identified,
which differ from each other not only in lithological and geomorphological diversity, but also in
heterogeneity. soil cover and their susceptibility to erosion processes.

Имя автора Должность Наименование организации
1 AKHMEDOV B.R. teacher , Namangan Engineering and Technology Institute
Название ссылки
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