The article is devoted to studying the phenomenon of overcoming; it substantiatesthe relevance of understanding the cumulative human experience where it integrates overcoming as the transcendence of human existence. An integral model of archaic cultural overcoming of the life and death dichotomy is used as a scientific premise of this research. This model of archaic perception of death was obtained as a result of the classification of tanatological concepts grouped into two large groups: rationalistic and nonrationalistic. On the basis of irrationalistic concepts, a dynamic model of the archaic perception of life and death was formed that was called the metaphysics of Overcoming. According to the author, the structures forming the metaphysics of Overcoming are deeply rooted in human nature. This can be seen in various manifestations of the phenomenon of overcoming in culture. The author sees the prospects for further research on the phenomenon of overcoming in applying the object-energy approachthat leads us to a biosocial level of understanding the phenomenon of overcoming. From these positions, a further disclosure and understanding of the mechanism of overcoming can be possible, as well asa consolidation of these principles in the notion of a culture of overcoming.

  • Ссылка в интернете
  • DOI10.26739/2181-9505-2019-1-13
  • Дата создание в систему UzSCI 14-11-2019
  • Количество прочтений 176
  • Дата публикации 13-11-2019
  • Язык статьиIngliz
  • Страницы130-139

The article is devoted to studying the phenomenon of overcoming; it substantiatesthe relevance of understanding the cumulative human experience where it integrates overcoming as the transcendence of human existence. An integral model of archaic cultural overcoming of the life and death dichotomy is used as a scientific premise of this research. This model of archaic perception of death was obtained as a result of the classification of tanatological concepts grouped into two large groups: rationalistic and nonrationalistic. On the basis of irrationalistic concepts, a dynamic model of the archaic perception of life and death was formed that was called the metaphysics of Overcoming. According to the author, the structures forming the metaphysics of Overcoming are deeply rooted in human nature. This can be seen in various manifestations of the phenomenon of overcoming in culture. The author sees the prospects for further research on the phenomenon of overcoming in applying the object-energy approachthat leads us to a biosocial level of understanding the phenomenon of overcoming. From these positions, a further disclosure and understanding of the mechanism of overcoming can be possible, as well asa consolidation of these principles in the notion of a culture of overcoming.


Статья посвящена исследованию феномена преодоления; обосновывается актуальность осмысления совокупного человеческого опыта, интегрирующего ситуацию преодоления как трансцендирования человеческого бытия. В качестве научного задела исследования используется интегральная модель архаического культурного преодоления дихотомии жизни и смерти. Эта модель архаического восприятия смерти была получена в результате классификации танатологических концепций, сгруппированных в две большие группы: рационалистические и нерационалистические. На основе нерационалистических концепций была сформирована динамическая модель архаического восприятия жизни и смерти, которая получила название метафизика Преодоления. По мысли автора, структуры формирующие метафизику Преодоления, глубоко укоренены в человеческой природе. Это проявляется в разнообразных формах проявления феномена преодоления в культуре. Перспективы дальней0его исследования феномена преодоления автор видит в применении предметно-энергийного подхода, который выводит на биосоциальный! уровень понимания феномена преодоления. С этих позиций возможно дальнейшее раскрытие и поимание механизма преодоления, и закрепление этих прищипов в понятии культуры преодоления.


Maqola bardosh bilan eyngish yo'li fenomeniga bag'ishlangan; inson tajribasi jamuljamligini anglash dolzarbligi manosida, ustun kelish sharoiti yaxlit holga keltirilishi inson borlig'ini ustun kelish sharoiti transstendentlik sifatida asoslab berilmoqda. Tadqiqot uchun ilmiy asos sifatida hayot va o'limning ikki tomonlama madaniy mag'lubiyatining ajralmas modeli ishlatilgan. O'limni arxaik tasavvur qilish ushbu modeli tanatologik tushunchalarni tasniflash natijasida ikki guruhga ajralib chiqdi: ratsional va ratsional bo'lmagan. Irratsionalistik tushunchalar asosida, hayotni va o'limni chuqurroq his qilishning dinamik modeli shakllandi, uni "Engib o'tish" metafizikasi deb atashdi. Muallifning fikriga ko'ra, engib o'tish metafizikasini tashkil etuvchi tuzilmalar inson tabiatiga chuqur asoslangan. Bu madaniyatni yengish fenomenining namoyon bo'lishining turli shakllarida namoyon bo'ladi. Muallifni engish fenomeni bo'yicha keyingi tadqiqotlar istiqbollari mavzu-energetika yondashuvini qo'llashda ko'rib chiqiladi, bu esa bartaraf etish hodisasini tushunishning biologik darajasiga olib keladi. Ushbu pozitsiyalardan, bo'g'imlarni bartaraf etish mexanizmini yanada kengroq tushunish va anglash mumkin, va bu tamoyillar bartaraf etish madaniyatining kontseptsiyasida aniqlanadi.

Имя автора Должность Наименование организации
1 Matsyna A..
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