The article discusses a squeezing device in a wool washing machine that helps resist low squeezing efficiency, providing high-quality washing. The analysis presents roller mechanisms, which ensure a higher level of wool purity and an optimal squeezing process. Findings, presented graphically, show the distribution of the mass of processed wool as it passes through a pair of shafts. The geometry of the layer of wool compressed in testing affects the movement of a liquid within it, the distribution of pressure across the width of the layer, the conditions of capture, and its movement within the rollers. A water-saving washing machine, comprising a washing barge, a running rake, an unloader, an output conveyor, and electric motors, has been experimentally designed. The article discusses the issue of washing the wool. The process of collecting wool from a liquid medium and unloading it for the next stage of washing was subject to analysis. The review of findings from experimental tests showed that the suggested barge washing machine leaves fewer impurities and less fat compared to the existing washing unit.

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  • DOI
  • Дата создание в систему UzSCI 03-01-2024
  • Количество прочтений 0
  • Дата публикации 20-12-2023
  • Язык статьиIngliz
  • Страницы39-46

The article discusses a squeezing device in a wool washing machine that helps resist low squeezing efficiency, providing high-quality washing. The analysis presents roller mechanisms, which ensure a higher level of wool purity and an optimal squeezing process. Findings, presented graphically, show the distribution of the mass of processed wool as it passes through a pair of shafts. The geometry of the layer of wool compressed in testing affects the movement of a liquid within it, the distribution of pressure across the width of the layer, the conditions of capture, and its movement within the rollers. A water-saving washing machine, comprising a washing barge, a running rake, an unloader, an output conveyor, and electric motors, has been experimentally designed. The article discusses the issue of washing the wool. The process of collecting wool from a liquid medium and unloading it for the next stage of washing was subject to analysis. The review of findings from experimental tests showed that the suggested barge washing machine leaves fewer impurities and less fat compared to the existing washing unit.


Maqolada jun yuvish qozonida sifatli yuvish va yuqori siqish samaradorligini ta'minlaydigan siquvchi moslama ko‘rib chiqilgan. Tahlillar shuni ko‘rsatdiki, valli mexanizmlar yordamida jun tozaligining yuqori foiziga erishiladi, shuningdek, siqish jarayoni muqobillashadi. Grafik shaklda ishlov berilayotgan jun massasining bir juft vallardan o‘tayotgandagi taqsimlanishi ko‘rsatilgan. Tadqiqot natijasida jun siqilgan qatlamining geometriyasi, uning suyuqlikdagi harakati, qatlamning kengligi bo‘ylab bosimning taqsimlanishi, tutilish shartlari va uning vallardagi harakatiga ta'sir qilishi aniqlandi. Yuvish qozonlari, harakatlanuvchi panshaxalar, tushirish mexanizmi, chiqaruvchi transporter va elektrodvigatellardan iborat suvni tejaydigan eksperimental yuvish mashinasi yaratildi. Maqolada junni yuvish muammosi muhokama qilingan. Suyuqlikdan junni olish va keyingi yuvish qozoniga tushirish bo‘yicha tahlil o‘tkazildi. Tavsiya etilgan mashinada yuvilgan jun tarkibidagi iflos aralashmalar va yog‘lar mavjud yuvish mashinasida yuvilgan junga nisbatan kamayishi tadqiq etildi. 


В статье рассмотрено устройство, обеспечивающее качественную мойку и высокую эффективность отжима в баке для мойки шерсти. Проанализирована работа валковых механизмов, при помощи которых осуществляется высокий процент очистки шерсти и оптимизация процесса отжима. Она представлена в графическом виде, демонстрирующем распределение массы обрабатываемой шерсти при прохождении её через пару валов. В процессе испытания установлено, что геометрия сжимаемого слоя шерсти влияет на характер движения в нём жидкости, распределение давления по ширине слоя, условия захвата и движение её в валах. Создана водосберегающая экспериментальная моечная машина, состоящая из бака для мойки, прогонных граблей, выгружателя, выводящего транспортёра и электродвигателей. В статье рассматривается проблема промывки шерсти. Проведено исследование процесса улавливания шерсти из жидкой среды и выгрузки её на следующий этап промывки. При испытаниях было определено, что в предлагаемой машине по сравнению с существующими наблюдается уменьшение сорных примесей и жира.

Имя автора Должность Наименование организации
1 Tuguzbayeva R.B. assistent Toshkent to‘qimachilik va yengil sanoat instituti
2 Xakimov S.S. texnika fanlari doktori, professor Toshkent to‘qimachilik va yengil sanoat instituti
Название ссылки
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