Настенные росписи эпохи Караханидов на Афрасиабе были обнаружены в ходе
археологических раскопок Французско-Узбекской археологической экспедицией в
Согдиане, г
Настенные росписи эпохи Караханидов на Афрасиабе были обнаружены в ходе
археологических раскопок Французско-Узбекской археологической экспедицией в
Согдиане, г
№ | Имя автора | Должность | Наименование организации |
1 | Reutova M.A. | Etakchi ilmiy xodim | O'zR FA Arxeologiya instituti |
2 | Frey J.. | Ilmiy xodim | Национальный Центр научных исследований(Франция |
№ | Название ссылки |
1 | Birstein V.On the Technology of Central Asia Wall Painting: the problem of binding media // Studies in Conservation, vol. XX, n°1, février 1975. |
2 | Bliakher Adelia, Fominykh Vera.Conservation and restoration of monumental painting from archaeological excavations // Mural Paintings of the SilkRoad: Cultural Exchanges Between East and West, Proceedings of the 29th Annual International Symposium on the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property, National ResearchInstitute for Cultural Properties, Tokyo, (January 2006), 2007. |
3 | Brajer Isabelle.Pressure, heat and humidity treatments for detached wall paintings // Triennal Meeting (12 th ) ICOM, Lyon (29 août – 3 septembre 1999), Prepints, vol 2, London, 1999 |
4 | Coutelas Arnaud.Etude pétroarchéologique des couches de support des peintures murales de Samarkand (Ouzbékistan), Afrasiab, pavillon Qarakhanide, XII-XIII° sc., juin 2009 et mai 2010 (non publié) |
5 | Cristini Odile.Samarkand: analyses des peintures murales, Laboratoire de spectrochimie et d’Infra-rouge Raman (UMR 8516 CNRS – USTL), 2008 et 2009, (non publié) |
6 | Hanna S.B., Dinsmore J.K.Conservation of Central Asian Wall Painting Fragments from the Stein Collection in the British Museum // The Conservation of Wall Paintings, Proceedings of a Sympo- 77 Археология Узбекистана. 2012. №2 (5) sium organized by the Courtauld Institute of Art and the Getty Conservation Institute (Londres, 13-16 Juillet 1987), J.P. Getty, Trust, 1991. |
7 | Karev Yuri.Qarakhanid wall paintings in the citadel of Samarqand: first report and preliminary observations // Muqarnas: an Annual on the Visual Culture of the Islamic World, vol. 22, Leiden – Brill, 2005 |
8 | Karev Yuri.Un cycle de peintures murales d’époque Qarakhanide (XII–XIII ème sc.) à la citadelle de Samarkand: le souverain et le peintre. Académie des inscriptions & des belles lettres, comptes -rendus des séances de l’année 2003, novembre-décembre, Paris, Diffusion de Broccard, 2003 |
9 | Kim Y.M., Kang H.T.Conservation treatment for the wall paintings of Central Asia possessed by the National Museum of Korea // Mural Paintings of the Silk Road: Cultural Exchanges Between East and West, Proceedings of the 29th Annual International Symposium on the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property, National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Tokyo, (January 2006), 2007 |
10 | Kossolapov A.J., Marshak B.I.Murals along the Silk Road // Saint Pétersburg, Formika, 1999 |
11 | Miller Eric G., Nicholas J. Lee, Diane R. Ellam.Remounting and Conservation of Archaeological Wall Paintings at the British Museum // Recent Advances in the Conservation and Analysis of Artefacts, Institute of Archaeology Jubilee Conference, London, Summer School Press, 1987 |
12 | Шейнина Е.Г., Винокуроба М.П. Методика реставрации монументальной живописи из археологических раскопок// Эрмитаж, Санкт-Петербург, 2002. (Méthodes de restauration pour les peintrues murales issues de fouilles archéologiques, Ermitage, Saint Pétersbourg, 2002) |