№ | Имя автора | Должность | Наименование организации |
1 | Amirov S.F. | professor | Tashkent State Transport University |
2 | Mukhsimov S.S. | katta o'qituvchi | Tashkent State Transport University |
3 | Yuldashev N.R. | dotsent v.b. | Tashkent State Transport University |
№ | Название ссылки |
1 | Amirov S.F. Mukhsimov Sh.S. Range Automatic Adjustable Current Transformer Control System. Science and innovation in the XXI century: crucial issues, discoveries and achievements. International Scientific and Current Research Conferences. February 19, 2021-Hungary, Europe, Pages: 17-25. |
2 | Patent UZB. № IAP 06645. Current transformer. Amirov S.F. Mukhsimov Sh.S., I.M. Bedritskiy, O.T. Boltayev, S.X.Jumaboyev. Tashkent. 30.11.2021. |
3 | Amirov S.F. Mukhsimov Sh.S. Boltayev O.T. Range Automatic Adjusted Current Transformer Primary Winning. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (E-ISSN:1309-4653), Volume 12, Issue 3, 5 April 2021, Pages 3142-3147. |
4 | Amirov S.F., Xushbokov B.X., Mukhsimov SH.S. Shirokodiapazonniye transformatori toka dlya sistem tyagovogo elektrosnabjeniya [Wide-range current transformers for traction power supply systems]. –T.: «Fan va texnologiya», 2018,164 str. |
5 | Bedritskiy I.M. Sravnitelniy analiz analiticheskix virajeniy dlya approksimatsii krivix namagnichivaniya elektrotexnicheskix staley [Comparative analysis of analytical expressions for approximation of magnetization curves of electrical steels]. Elektrika. – Moskva, 2011. – №7. – S. 38- 40. |
6 | Vetrova A.A. Matematicheskiye i strukturno-parametricheskiye modeli nelineynix fizikotexnicheskix effektov dlya sinteza elementov sistem upravleniya: diss … na soiskaniye uchenoy stepeni k.t.n., [Mathematical and structural-parametric models of nonlinear physical and technical effects for the synthesis of control system elements: dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences,] Astraxan, AGU, 2004. – 111 s. |
7 | Zaripov M.F., Zaynullin N.R., Petrova I.Y. Energoinformatsionniy metod nauchno-texnicheskogo tvorchestva [Energy-informational method of scientific and technical creativity]. – Moskva: VNIIPI GKNT, 1988. – 124 s. |
8 | Stogniy B.S. Kirilenko A.V. Modelirovaniye i avtomatizatsiya proyektirovaniya izmeritelnix preobrazovateley toka [Modeling and automation of design of measuring current converters], AN USSR In-t elektrodinamiki. — Kiyev Nauk. dumka , 1989 — 272 s. |
9 | Xushbokov B.X. Mnogopredelniye transformatori toka dlya sistem upravleniya ustroystvami elektrosnabjeniya jeleznodorojnogo transporta: dis. … k. t. n. [Multi-limit current transformers for control systems of railway power supply devices: dis. ... Candidate of Technical Sciences]. Tashkent, TashgTU, 2010. – 193 s. |
10 | Mukhsimov Sh.S. Reliability of an automatic adjustable current transformer. The American Journal of Engineering and Technology 3(01), ISSN–2689-0984, Published: January 31, 2021, Pages: 77-83. |
11 | Amirov S.F. Mukhsimov Sh.S. Computer Models Of Automatic Adjusted Current Transformer // Science and innovation in the XXI century: crucial issues, discoveries and achievements. International Scientific and Current Research Conferences // February 19, 2021-Hungary, Europe // Pages: 10-16. |
12 | Amirov S.F. Mukhsimov Sh.S. Boltayev O.T. Calculation Of High Harmonics Produced By The Saturation Of A Magnetic Core Of A Current Transformer The American Journal of Engineering and Technology (ISSN – 2689-0984) // Volume 03 Issue 01-2021 // January 26, 2021 // Pages: 36-43. |
13 | Amirov S.F. Mukhsimov Sh.S. Jumaboyev S.X. The study of the temporary process taking place in a wide range of current transformers // Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research (AJMR) Vol.10- Issue-1 January 2021, ISSN: 2278 – 4853// Pages: 98-108. |
14 | Amirov S.F. Mukhsimov Sh.S. The study of transient processes taking place in current transformers // South Asian Academic Research Journals (SAARJ) // ISSN: 2249-7137, Vol. 11 Issue 1, JANUARY 2021, // Pages: 1251-1260. |