№ | Имя автора | Должность | Наименование организации |
1 | Lesov A.T. | Katta o'qituvchi | Tashkent State Transport University |
№ | Название ссылки |
1 | 1. Ablyalimov O. S., Lesov A. T. To substantiate the optimal mode of controlling the movement of a freight train on the section Kokand - Andijan of the Uzbek railway. Universum: Technical sciences: electron. scientific magazine - 2022. - no. 11(104). - URL: http://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/ 14619 (date of access: 11/21/2022). |
2 | 2. Ablyalimov O. S., Lesov, A. T. Traction calculations for electric locomotives "Uz-El" on the Kokand - Andijan section of the Uzbek railway. Universum: Technical sciences: electron. scientific magazine - 2022. - no. 11(104). - URL: http://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/ 14558 (date of access: 11/21/2022). |
3 | 3. Baranov L. A., Erofeev E. V., Melyoshin I. S., Chin L. M. Optimization of train traffic control. Moscow, Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers, 2011, 164 p. |
4 | 4. Baranov L. A., Golovicher Ya. M., Erofeev E. V., Maksimov V. M. Microprocessor systems of auto-driving of electric rolling stock. Moscow, Transport, 1990, 272 p. |
5 | 5. Erofeev E.V. Determination of the optimal mode of train driving at a given running time, Vestnik VNIIZHT [bulletin of research institute of railway transport], 1969, no.1, pp.54–57. |
6 | 6. Lesov A. T., Ivashchenko V. O. Optimization of the train movement curve to minimize energy consumption on the basis of the railway of Uzbekistan. Bulletin of the results of scientific research, 2022. - no. 1. - pp. 68-79. DOI: 10.20295/2223-9987-2022-1-68-79. |
7 | 7. Muginshtejn L.A., Ilyutovich A.E., Yabko I.A. Energy-optimal methods of train traffic control, Sb. nauchn. tr. OAO “VNIIZHT”, Moscow, Intekst, 2012, 80 p. |
8 | 8. Petrov Y.P. Variational methods of optimal control theory Moscow, Energy, 1977, 96 p. |
9 | 9. Sadovskij L.E., Pekman E.M., Pekman A.I. About the search for the optimal driving mode of an electric rolling stock, Transport, Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers, 1970, no.310, pp.29–41. |