It is known that the relationship between stresses and deformations in reinforced concrete is significantly different for the stage of its work with and without cracks. In practical calculations of reinforced concrete structures at the stage of work without cracks, the influence of the nonlinearity of deformations on the behavior of the structure is insignificant, and the properties of reinforced concrete can be assumed to be isotropic. At the stage of work of the structure with cracks, the nonlinearity manifests itself very significantly. To take into account the nonlinear properties of reinforced concrete, in addition to creating more complex programs based on the methodology given in it is necessary to pay attention to a more accurate assessment of the fundamental properties of reinforced concrete that determine its behavior under load.

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  • DOI
  • Дата создание в систему UzSCI 25-04-2024
  • Количество прочтений 36
  • Дата публикации 29-12-2023
  • Язык статьиIngliz
  • Страницы66-73

It is known that the relationship between stresses and deformations in reinforced concrete is significantly different for the stage of its work with and without cracks. In practical calculations of reinforced concrete structures at the stage of work without cracks, the influence of the nonlinearity of deformations on the behavior of the structure is insignificant, and the properties of reinforced concrete can be assumed to be isotropic. At the stage of work of the structure with cracks, the nonlinearity manifests itself very significantly. To take into account the nonlinear properties of reinforced concrete, in addition to creating more complex programs based on the methodology given in it is necessary to pay attention to a more accurate assessment of the fundamental properties of reinforced concrete that determine its behavior under load.


Известно, что связь между напряжениями и деформациями в железобетоне существенно различна для стадии его работы с трещинами и без них. В практических расчетах железобетонных конструкций на стадии работы без трещин влияние нелинейности деформаций на поведение конструкции незначительно, а свойства железобетона можно принять изотропными. В стадии работы конструкции с трещинами нелинейность проявляется весьма существенно. Для учета нелинейных свойств железобетона, помимо создания более сложных программ на основе методики приведенной в необходимо уделить внимание более точной оценке фундаментальных свойств железобетона, определяющих его поведение под нагрузкой.

Имя автора Должность Наименование организации
1 Miralimov M.X. Katta o'qituvchi Tashkent State Transport University
2 Usmanov D.T. Katta o'qituvchi Tashkent State Transport University
3 Karshiboev A.I. Katta o'qituvchi Tashkent State Transport University
4 Yerpolatov I.B. Katta o'qituvchi Tashkent State Transport University
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