This article is dedicated to analyzing and finding a solution to the problem of the digital platform system of transport e and logistics services. The research topic is relevant due to the need for a new, innovative approach to the creation of a transport-forwarding and logistics system based on modern digital technologies. From my research, the rules of a conceptual approach to creating a common reliable digital platform were formed using the integrated logistics paradigm as the main concept of managing the interaction of transportation in the "customer intermediary-carrier" information supply chain. It serves as a basis for introducing the principles of telematics in the operational management of the transport forwarding and logistics system. We consider the recommendations for the creation of a joint digital platform for the participants of the transport-forwarding and logistics system from the prospective of focusing on solving the problems of operational impact on the flow of goods, increasing the speed and quality of customer service. In the article, we observe the concept of "transport-forwarding and logistics system" and determine the role of digitalization in the creation of a transport-forwarding and logistics system process. To increase the efficiency of the management process of the innovative transport-logistics system, the stages of its formation were developed based on the process approach. For each of the stages, we suggested the use of information technologies determined by the nature of the authors' results. It has been determined that the customer and the carrier are not reliably connected in cargo transportation services in Uzbekistan, and that the carriers are currently unable to fully ensure the rights of the customers.

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  • DOI
  • Дата создание в систему UzSCI 02-05-2024
  • Количество прочтений 34
  • Дата публикации 31-03-2023
  • Язык статьиIngliz
  • Страницы44-53

This article is dedicated to analyzing and finding a solution to the problem of the digital platform system of transport e and logistics services. The research topic is relevant due to the need for a new, innovative approach to the creation of a transport-forwarding and logistics system based on modern digital technologies. From my research, the rules of a conceptual approach to creating a common reliable digital platform were formed using the integrated logistics paradigm as the main concept of managing the interaction of transportation in the "customer intermediary-carrier" information supply chain. It serves as a basis for introducing the principles of telematics in the operational management of the transport forwarding and logistics system. We consider the recommendations for the creation of a joint digital platform for the participants of the transport-forwarding and logistics system from the prospective of focusing on solving the problems of operational impact on the flow of goods, increasing the speed and quality of customer service. In the article, we observe the concept of "transport-forwarding and logistics system" and determine the role of digitalization in the creation of a transport-forwarding and logistics system process. To increase the efficiency of the management process of the innovative transport-logistics system, the stages of its formation were developed based on the process approach. For each of the stages, we suggested the use of information technologies determined by the nature of the authors' results. It has been determined that the customer and the carrier are not reliably connected in cargo transportation services in Uzbekistan, and that the carriers are currently unable to fully ensure the rights of the customers.


Данная статья посвящена анализу и поиску решения проблемы цифровой платформы системы транспортно-экспедиторских и логистических услуг. Тема исследования актуальна в связи с необходимостью нового,
инновационного подхода к созданию транспортно-экспедиторской и логистической системы на основе современных цифровых технологий. Из моего исследования были сформированы правила концептуального
подхода к созданию единой надежной цифровой платформы с использованием интегрированной логистической парадигмы как основной концепции управления взаимодействием перевозок в информационной цепи поставок «заказчик-посредник-перевозчик». Он служит основой для внедрения принципов телематики в оперативное управление транспортно- экспедиторской и логистической системой. Рассматриваем рекомендации 
по созданию совместной цифровой платформы для участников транспортно-экспедиторской и логистической системы с точки зрения фокусировки на решении задач оперативного воздействия на товаропотоки,
повышения скорости и качества обслуживания клиентов. оказание услуг. Рассмотрено понятие «транспортно-экспедиторская и логистическая система» и определена роль цифровизации в процессе создания транспортно-экспедиторской и логистической системы. В целях повышения эффективности процесса управления инновационной транспортно-логистической системой этапы ее формирования разработаны на основе процессного подхода. Для каждого из этапов мы предложили использование информационных технологий, определяемых характером результатов авторов. Установлено, что заказчик и перевозчик не имеют надежной связи в сфере услуг по перевозке грузов в Узбекистане, а перевозчики в настоящее время не в состоянии в полной мере обеспечить права заказчиков.


Ushbu maqolada transport-ekspeditorlik va logistika xizmatlarini raqamli platforma tizimi muammosini tahlil qilish va yechim topishga bag’ishlangan. Tadqiqot mavzusi zamonaviy raqamli texnologiyalarga asoslangan transport
ekspeditorlik va logistika tizimini yaratishga yangi, innovatsion yondashuv zarurati tufayli dolzarbdir. Men tadqiqotlarimdan “mijoz-vositachi-tashuvchi” axborot ta’minot zanjirida yu tashuvlarining o’zaro ta’sirini boshqarishning
asosiy konsepsiyasi sifatida integrasiyalashgan logistika paradigmasidan foydalanish bilan umumiy ishonchli raqamli platformani yaratishga konseptual yondashuv qoidalari shakllantirildi. U transport-ekspeditorlik va logistika
tizimini operativ boshqarishda telematika tamoyillarini joriy etish uchun asos bo’lib xizmat qiladi. Biz transport-ekspeditorlik va logistika tizimi ishtirokchilari uchun qo’shma raqamli platforma yaratish bo’yicha tavsiyalarni yuklar oqimiga operativ ta’sir ko’rsatish muammolarini hal etishga, mijozlarga xizmat ko’rsatish tezligi va sifatini oshirishga qaratish nuqtai nazaridan ko’rib chiqamiz. Biz “transport-ekspeditorlik va logistika tizimi” tushunchasini ko’rib
chiqib, transport-ekspeditorlik va logistika tizimini yaratish jarayonida raqamlashtirishning rolini belgilaymiz. Innovatsion xususiyatga ega transport logistika tizimini boshqarish jarayoni samaradorligini oshirish uchun jarayon
yondashuvi asosida uni shakllantirish bosqichlari ishlab chiqildi. Bosqichlarning har biri uchun mualliflar natijalarining tabiati bilan belgilanadigan axborot texnologiyalarini qo’llashni taklif qilganmiz. O’zbekistondagi yuk tashuv xizmatlarida mijoz va tashuvchini ishonchli bog’lanmaganligi hamda tashuvchilar hozirgi kunda mijozlarning huquqlarni to’laqonli ta’minlay olmayotganligi aniqlangan.

Имя автора Должность Наименование организации
1 Kosimov M.A. Doctoral student Tashkent State Transport University
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